Chapter 59

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Thelma smiled at the cute female Maltese puppy. Her white fur were spotless. She had a cute black nose and wide bright black eyes.

"Rockie, that's her name!" Oscar beamed. He watched as his puppy roamed free on the lawn of the Central Park in New York City.

"She is so cute and adorable!" Thelma squeaked. "I just want to hug her tight!"

"You can hug me! I'm adorable and cute!" Oscar smirked and his crystal blue eyes gleamed.

"Awwn! You're cute!" she tapped his cheek.

Oscar grinned and his dimples appeared. He is extremely cute, Thelma thought. She glanced around her. There were other individuals strolling with their dogs. The rays of the golden orb that swam in the sky cast bright lights on the surface of earth. The warm breeze blew past them and the melodious chirps of birds hovered in the air.

Thelma and Oscar moved around. They spoke about the romance novel Thelma had read. Thelma paused and looked at Oscar. She quirked a brow and asked, "What do you do for a living?"

"Do you want to know the truth?"

Thelma's eyes widened, "Is there something you have been hiding from me?"

"Hmm..." he bit his lip and nodded. "I have been hiding something from you!"


"I'm a model!"

"You are..." she trailed off. A smile danced to her lips. "You're a model?"

"Yeah! Oscar Dan! I'm a fashion model! I model clothes and shoes made by famous fashion designer!" he replied. "I was happy when I discovered you didn't know my real identity. I decided to keep it a secret!"


"Well..." his face flushed and a tint of red flashed on his fair cheek. "I was hoping you would fall for real me and not a model. Most women date me because I am a model!"

"Oh!" she gazed at him. He wants me to fall for him? she asked herself.

Rockie barked and their attention fell on her. She ran around them and paused beside Oscar. Her tongue stuck out as she panted. Oscar petted her. She licked his hands and moved towards Thelma. She stood at her front, staring with her big black eyes.

"She wants you to pet her!" Oscar spoke out.

"Oh, really? My pleasure!" Thelma stooped and scratched below Rockie's ear. The cute puppy fell to the ground and brought her legs up, exposing her belly. Thelma rubbed her belly. Soon, Rockie rose to her feet and ran around.

Thelma glanced at Oscar. His eyes were on his phone. Knowing that he wouldn't notice, Thelma checked him out. Her eyes moved from his sleek blonde crewcut, his blue eyes, pink lips and down to his athletic body. He was taller than her by a few inches. He was clad in a neon green turtleneck and a pair of gray jeans. Oscar wore white sneakers to sum up his dressing. His shades were pushed above his forehead.

Thelma gulped and forced her mouth open. She commented, "You really are a model! You can rock any dress!"

Oscar turned to her, smiled and nodded. "Yeah! They say I have the right body for it!"

"Yeah! It'! You aren't too lean!"

"Thanks!" he blushed. "So what about you?"


"Yeah! You were Alex's personal assistant before you lost your job!" he pointed out.

"Oh, yeah!" she shrugged. "I never had interest in anything that concerned business. I'm more of the creative type. My dad had forced me to study Business Administration. Now that I am free, I want to start an online course. I want to be a journalist!"

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