Chapter 15

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Thelma stared into the mirror. She couldn't believe who stared back. An image more like Theresa's. She looked so much like Theresa and she wondered if it was the makeup or the dress. She concluded that it was everything. She loved to dress casual. Theresa was the fashionable one, more like a fashionista.

She was at the female's restroom. Different ladies moved about. Some were reapplying their makeup while others just stayed to gossip.

"Oh my! I must say, you look gorgeous!" a voice came from behind Thelma. She glanced behind her and was surprised to see Vivian innocently smiling at her.

"Like wow! I love your dress," Vivian commented.

"Thanks!" Thelma smiled back.

She is acting nice. Why?

"Oh, Look at this! A thread is loose in your dress"

"What? Where?" Thelma gasped as she look at her back. She stared at the mirror that reflected her back view.

"I will just cut the thread" Vivian suggested. She pulled Thelma till she couldn't look at the mirror and cut it. A smile creased her excessively made up face, "All done!".


"No problem. It is a pleasure to help"

Vivian strutted as some ladies in the room, eyed her dress. Thelma smiled at the thought of seeing the good side of Vivian. She wiggled among the crowd, trying to find her way to Alex. Everyone were gathered to sing the birthday song.

Thelma felt something rest at her back. She turned abruptly to see who it could be that would touch her.  Alex stood behind her. His bright eyes accusingly stared at her while he placed his suit on her body.

"What..." said Thelma before Alex interrupted.

"Remind me never to take you with me to a party?"


"I can't say the exact amount I spent on that dress that's torn now," he paused and his eyes ran down her dress. "Keep the suit on if you don't want to disgrace yourself. Your choice." He shrugged and left.


Her eyes fell on Vivian at a distance. She had a razor stuck out at her lips. She pulled it out, pointed at Thelma and smiled like a true witch.

"She tore my dress?" Thelma muttered and stared in disbelief. She sighed and looked back at Alex who was stalking to his seat. She trailed after him till they got to their seat.

"Sir! Can we go now?" Thelma's soft voice whimpered. She felt stupid for letting Vivian do this to her and, she felt hurt that Alex was regretting taking her to the party.

Alex let out an exasperated sigh, "I have a lot to do". Now, he was frustrated by her presence.

Thelma held her breathe for a second and sighed. She slipped her bottom lip between her teeth but stopped before she could nip on it. 

"I don't feel comfortable at all," she added.

"Have you ever been comfortable since today?" he snapped.

She dropped her head and walked away. She was heading to the exit door. She wanted to leave.

"Hey!" she heard Alex call out.

Unexpectedly, she was pulled back by a firm grip on her arm. She stumbled and got still.

"Hey! Wait for a minute. I will drop you off, okay?" Alex whispered while still trying to maintain a voice devoid of emotion. She nodded and stood there. Later on, they got to the car and were on their way.

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