Chapter 13

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"Sir," the female staff called out, trying to draw the attention of Alex who was immensely typing on his phone. "Sir!"

What ensure was silence. The lady took in a deep breathe, "Sir!"

The lovely silence still floated amongst them. She frowned at the thought of him ignoring her.

A younger female staff in her early twenties came towards her. "Have you told him? What did he say?"

"Does he even know I exist?" the female staff said with a sneer.

"What do you mean?" the young lady asked.

"He is quite busy with his phone. Don't you see?"

"So? Get his attention"

"How about you try?"

The young lady rolled her eyes and she cried out "Excuse me, sir!"

Once again, silence had a strong hold of the situation.

The female staff chuckled, "What's the matter?"

"Well then, let's create a loud noise"

"This is a mall, woman! "

The young lady ignored and pushed a steel perfume bottle. It fell from the shelf to the ground in a loud crash.

"Oops!" the young lady gasped. She picked it up and shrugged. Alex turned to them and winced.

"Sir! Sorry to disturb but it is time to select a dress for her and I wanted to ask if you will be the one choosing" the female staff said in a split second.

"Yes! I will be the one. That woman lacks fashion sense," Alex replied. He stood up, pushed his hands into his pocket and ordered, "Let's go!"

They walked into the dress shop. Thelma sat on a stool,  waiting patiently. As soon as she saw Alex, she got to her feet. Not much had been done. She was lacking the makeup and dress but her hair was lovely and her skin was glowing.

Alex sat on a chair and crossed his legs.

"Let's begin!" He said in dull tone.

Thelma slipped her lip between her teeth and nipped on it. Why is he here? I can select my clothes. I don't need his help!

"Come with me," the young lady beckoned to Thelma. They went into the changing room. They gave her a nice blue gown which she wore. It was long and had a lovely sparkling bead design. It was clear that such dress would cost a lot.

"This is lovely. I like it" Thelma commented. They went out to meet Alex.

"Sir!" The female staff whose name was Sara called.

Alex looked up. He was once again on his phone. He scanned Thelma and gave a disgusted look. He shook his head in disapproval. "Nonsense! I hate that dress! Ugly!" he snarled.

"Okay! We have a better option, sir!" Sara pulled Thelma back into the changing room.

"Tina!" Sara called the young lady. She was sitting on a stool in the changing room.

"What?" Tina asked and rose a brow. "Did he like it?"

"No! He hates it," Sara replied.

"Okay! I will get a better one"

She got a large number of dresses. They were of different colours and lengths.

"These are the best of the best! He must like one of these dresses" She said and dropped them on the tiled floor.

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