Chapter 10

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Bang! Bang! Bang! The noise came hard on the bathroom door.

"Thelma, what's your problem? It is time for me to wash this face mask off," Theresa yelled and slammed her fists on the door.

Thelma shook her head and unlocked the door. Theresa dashed into the bathroom,  straight to the washbasin.

"What are you and Oscar talking about?" she queried and turned the tap on. She rinsed her face as the water ran down.

"Nothing much! We were actually talking about Kelvin. He is some sadist now. It is really bothering Oscar..." Thelma shrugged and pursed her lips at her sister.

The name 'Kelvin' had made Theresa to open her eyes, letting the paste on her face roll to her eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut and cried out, "Ouch! Owww!" She tried to wash it off but mistakingly held the tap and a big splash  dashed to Thelma's direction.

"Theresa, wait! I will help you. Please stop. You are soaking me with water" Thelma yelped and ran to Theresa. She assisted her to wash her face.

"Thelma, my face towel. Pass it!" 

Thelma passed it to her. Theresa wiped her face and glared at Thelma. "Why did you mention that name?"

"Kelvin! Why won't I?"

"What's your problem?" Theresa roared.

Thelma frowned at her outburst. She folded her arm over her chest, raised an eyebrow at Theresa and asked, "Don't you know you have shattered him emotionally?"

"Let me pretend to care," Theresa responded and made a sad face.

Thelma shook her head in disappointment. "Well, I won't stop talking till you feel guilty and decide to apologize".

Theresa pushed Thelma out of the door frame. "Out of my way!" she sneered.

"Okay, I will continue to talk"

"Then, I am leaving" Theresa glared at her and Thelma shrugged.

"Suit yourself! But if you see Kelvin, apologize to him"

"I, Theresa, apologise? Pfft!" Theresa scoffed and left the room, slamming the door. Thelma stood at the middle of the large hotel room and sighed.


The hotel hallway seemed strangely empty. It was midnight and most dwellers were asleep. Theresa decided to walk around a little. She followed the stairs to the floor below. As she strolled, she heard someone knocking on a door.

"Who could that be?" she whispered and looked around her. She decided to check it out. She went close to the door. On it was boldly written 'Janitor's closet'. Suddenly, she heard a clash. Someone was inside.

"Could it be one of the cleaner? There is only one way to find out," she thought.

She opened the door and her eyes sighted a male figure whose back faced her. He squatted to pick the equipment that fell and tiptoed into the closet.

"Hey...Uh...What's going? W..." she heard the door slam shut behind her. She wheeled around and stared at the door. How did the door close?

"Oh my goodness, the door!" she gasped when she saw that the door handle was broken off. She spun on her heels and faced the individual. Her mouth dropped when she saw the person.

"Kelvin?" she asked in a daze. Kelvin looked as shocked as she was.

"Why did you lock the door?" Kelvin yelled and sprinted to the door. He tried to open it but it didn't budge. 

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