Chapter 27

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"Theresa! Theresa! Wake up" Thelma shrieked.
"What's wrong with you? " Theresa yelled groggily.

"Today is our birthday, why would you want to go to work late today? " she questioned.

"Is this question seriously coming from you? " Theresa stretched and yawned.  "Wait, did you say birthday? "

"You bet I did! " Thelma screamed in excitement.

"Yes, today is our birthday. Yippee!" Thelma and Theresa began to do their happy dance.


Thelma took in a deep breathe and exhaled. She stood upright. She was wearing a beautiful pink gown under a nice black flat shoe. Her curves were displayed by the fitted dress. Her hair was waving after going to the hair salon the day before. She had applied a light make-up with Theresa's supervision.

Now she was ready to walk into the R&L company with joy filled in her heart. Today was her birthday! She had announced to everyone for weeks preparing their mind for this day.

Theresa was wearing a Floral gown that was above her knee. It was an off shoulder gown with mixed colors. She wore a wedge below it. As usual, all her curves were evident. Her long flawless legs were displayed to the world to see.

Thelma pushed the door open and everyone chorused, "Happy Birthday Thelma! ".  They began to give Thelma hugs and gifts.

"Guys! It's not only my birthday. I have a twin too", Thelma said to the crowd.

Cherry yelled, "Happy Birthday Theresa" and others joined in to repeat it again.

She ran towards Theresa and gave her a tight hug. Theresa smiled and patted her back.

"Thanks! " she mumbled.

Cherry nudged Evans at the stomach.

"Say something! " she whispered.

Evans smiled genuinely, he stretched his hand and said, "Happy birthday ".

Theresa received his hand. She shook it gently. "Thanks! ".

However, everyone's attention were on Thelma. Presents were coming from different directions. That made Theresa quite..... Don't know yet but we can go with angry.

Alex was behind the crowd. He cleared his throat and everyone made way for him.

"Quite early to work, Thelma! " he nodded. He gestured for Thelma to follow and she did.

They got to the elevator and entered it. Theresa from a distance rolled her eyes at the less attention she was getting. She ran to them with her heels and entered the elevator.

"Morning to you! " Alex said.

Theresa rolled her eyeballs and crossed her hands at her chest.

Alex ignored that and turned to Thelma.

"Happy Birthday! Got a lot of gifts for you" he smiled.

"Really! Awwn! " Thelma smiled back.

Theresa looked at the both of them and rolled her eyeballs again.

*He is actually smiling at her. He didn't even wish me happy birthday. Great Thelma and her goody two shoes way is always stealing the spotlight. Even On my birthday!!!! Loudly screaming in my head*

The elevator door opened. Alex gestured for Thelma to get out first.

"Ladies first! " he smirked.

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