Chapter 47

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Theresa's sinister smile disappeared when she noticed Alex's displeased look. She glanced at the syringe and then to the doctor.

"Don't worry, Doctor! We won't need that. You can keep it" she exclaimed. She turned to Alex and poked his stomach. "Cheer up, dummy! I was just teasing you".

She gently took hold of his wrist and led him to his bed. He sat still and his furrowed brows sent the message across that he wasn't comfortable with the checkup.

The doctor opened a different briefcase and began the checkup. Everything went well until they got to the part where the doctor needed to withdraw some of Alex's blood for a test.

"I don't need a blood test," Alex glowered.

"Xander, calm down" she patted his shoulder.

"No!" he rose to his feet and stormed out of the room.

"Don't worry! I'll get him" she told the doctor and ran after Alex. She met him at the stairs and gripped his wrist. "Wait!"

"Let go!" he shoved her aside.

"How are we going to know if your health is better?"

"I know that I am better"

"Alexander!" she called his name like an angry mother would. "Stop being naughty!"

He cocked a brow at her and leaned on the stair railings. His arms were folded as he gave her a once-over.

"Are you my mum?"

"What kind of stupid is that?"

He shook his head and scratched his jaw. "I'm not doing that test. You can't force me".

"I won't force you" she shrugged.

He rose both eyebrows. "Oh, really? So, you mean I can go and you won't stop me?"

"Of course I will stop you"


She cut him short sharply, "I will beg you. Your health should not be messed with".


She cut him short and with a calm, soothing voice, she whispered "You know you weren't feeling well last night. I don't want that to happen again that's why I am doing this".

He couldn't believe that Theresa actually cared. He squinted his eyes, trying to find a fake emotion. But to his surprise, she was genuinely calm and nice.

"I don't like syringes!" he fretted.

"I could hold your hand or maybe cover your eyes. Don't worry, I will be there to help" she assured.

Her calm expression made him sigh and agree with her.  They walked back into the room. Alex sat on his bed and clenched his fists.

The doctor pulled out a small syringe. He walked up to Alex and placed it on his arm.

"Wait!" Alex exclaimed. "Isn't there another way?"

Theresa rolled her eyes and sat beside him. "You are acting like a baby" she teased.

She slipped her hand into his and told him, "Sometimes, it is good to overcome your fears".

Alex's black eyes locked with hers. He squeezed her hand tenderly and nodded.

"It isn't painful, sir!" the doctor chimed in.

Alex pressed his lips into a thin line as the needle went through his skin to his vein. The doctor drew the necessary amount of blood and the needle was pulled out.

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