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Eight years later!

"Alyssa, say da-da! Da-da...Da-da" Alex repeated as his eyes gazed into the one-year-old girl in front of him.

"No! Alyssa, say ma-ma...ma-ma..." Theresa insisted.

"Resa baby, I want Alyssa's first word to be daddy," Alex whispered and stared at the little girl. Alyssa, their one-year-old daughter, was distracted as she chewed her fingers. Her light brown hairs were in two ponytails and her wide brown eyes darted to the window in the room. Alex had her in his arms while Theresa stood beside them. "She looks like you, Theresa!"

"Yeah! She's so cute. Alyssa, say ma-ma..." she cajoled and stroked her chubby cheek.

"This is not fair! Damon's first word was mama! Can't you allow my little princess to call me daddy?" he whined and pecked Alyssa's cheek.

"No! Alyssa, say ma-ma"

"My princess, say da-da"

Alyssa looked at them and poked Alex's cheek with her little finger. She smiled and let out cute soft laughter.

"I want her to say mama"

"No, dada. I want her to say dada"



"Xander, you are acting like a child"

"No, I'm not!"

"Da-da" a little voice echoed. They turned and saw an amused Alyssa laughing.

"She said it!" Alex shouted and hugged her. "Daddy loves you, Alyssa. Three kisses for you: mwah mwah mwah! Daddy's princess".

"Yay!" Theresa voiced with a sarcastic tone.

Alex smiled and winked at her. She shook her head and kissed Alyssa's cheek. "I'm happy for you though. She called you da-da"


"We need to get dressed. Today is Kelvin's birthday and he invited us. He said Thelma and Oscar will be coming. I want to see my little niece," Theresa squeaked and strolled into their walk-in wardrobe.

"Where's Damon? I hope he hasn't broken anything in the living room," Alex growled.

"He won't. He promised me he won't do any cartwheels in the living room," Theresa replied.

"The house is too quiet. We need to check on him," Alex stated and stomped out of the room with Alyssa still in his arm.

He got to Damon's room and leaned close to the door. He couldn't hear a sound from the room. Theresa arrived at his side and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The room is quiet," he said and his eyes went round in dread. "Are you sure he isn't ill?"

Theresa opened the door and ran into the room. "Damon? Damon, where are you?"

They saw their five-year-old son playing his video game silently. He had a headset on as he tapped on his control.

"I told you not to buy video games for him," Theresa whispered and glared at Alex.

"He got A's in all his tests and exams. That was his reward for his hard work," Alex smirked. "Now that I think of it, I'll benefit from this. He will be so busy playing video games that he won't be able to destroy any object in the house".

"What if he stops reading?"

"He is my son. He won't stop reading," Alex snapped and placed Alyssa in Theresa's arms. He strode to Damon and lifted the boy. Damon quickly removed his headset and dropped his control.

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