Chapter 14

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Thelma couldn't believe her eyes. Alex was actually right. The party was a big one.

The hall was large enough to have a bungalow in it. Its wall shone in a bright gold due to its lustrous paint. It had good ventilation. One could breathe properly no matter how crowded it could be. It was definitely a classy party, more like the ones for royals. Thelma felt like she had walked into a royal ball.

However, she had a problem. Something that made uneasy. Her problem at the party was the fact that she found it difficult to walk on high-heeled shoes. Alex had selected a perfect pair of heels for her.

Perfect my foot! I can feel and hear the surface of the earth threatening to trip me. How will I survive?

She took little steps as she walked through the crowds to meet up with Alex's pace. She staggered and lost her balance. Quickly to avoid crumbling to the ground, she pulled the coat of a person closeby. She got her balance. The person turned swiftly. It was a male. Oops!

"Sorry, sir!" she apologized to the young man who stared flabbergasted.

"Why did you..." he suddenly looked at her shoes. "Oh! You are finding it difficult to walk on heels, right?"

Feeling ashamed, Thelma hung her head. She hated the situation she was in.

How can a woman find it difficult to walk on heels. Is it possible? Oh wait! With a freak like me, yeah! It is!

"No! No! Don't feel sad. It's okay. By the way, I'm Archie" he stretched his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Thelma. I am really,  really sorry about that."

"It's okay!" he smiled. "It was nice meeting you".

Thelma turned and noticed Alex glaring at her.

"Okay! Bye!  Thanks for understanding," she waved at him and strode to Alex, who was fuming.

"You are my p.a. You are to walk beside me not to befriend strangers" Alex rose his gravelly voice at her.

Trying to refrain from lying, she used a leveled tone and replied, "What do you expect? I almost fell down because of this perfect shoes of yours".

He arched an eyebrow at her, "What's wrong with the shoes?"

"I told you. I don't know how to walk on heels"

"Then learn!" he yelled and thudded off.

She continued with her little steps and her face scrunched up when she frowned.


Alex stopped and spoke to some people.

"Hmm... Thelma give me some flyers," he instructed.

She passed it to him. He handed a flyer to a chubby man and said to him, "Take this, sir! This is my company. You can find some information there".

"Uh! Your p.a seems dizzy... or something" the man notified.

"Hey! Are you okay?" the stranger asked.

"No! No!  I just lost my balance bec.. because... I... Hmm... Stepped on a pen. No big deal!" She lied. She knew the truth was that she was uncomfortable with the shoes.

Alex noticed it. As soon as the people he was talking to left, he bent his arm and signalled Thelma to slip hers in so she could use him as her support. Thelma slipped her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. When she was okay, they walked on.

"I will get you to our VIP seats. You will stay there, clear!" Alex whispered.


"What kind of question is that?"

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