Chapter 4

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Theresa's reply left them baffled. The light brown-haired guy walked up to them.

"I believe I know her name, Brat!" he glared at her.

Theresa rolled her eyes, unfazed by his words. She looked at him from head to toe.

"What? Do you expect me to cry because you called me a brat? Pathetic! I didn't know calling you a jerk would hurt. I thought you knew already. Classic me, always assuming" she smiled with an air of confidence and sashayed away.

"Sorry! Please pardon my sister" Thelma spoke out. She had pity on him. She knew Theresa's words could be hurtful.

"I hate that woman," the guy said and everyone gasped.

Oscar placed his hand on his shoulder. "Calm down! This is your first time meeting her. Don't hold grudges"

"Whatever! I'm Kelvin by the way. Nice to meet you"

"It's nice to meet you too"

"Hope to see you soon," Oscar simpered.

"Sure! Bye!" Thelma waved and headed back to the hotel.


Early the next morning, as soon as Thelma was getting into the office premises. Her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID - Alex! 

"Where are you?" his voice came out rough from the other end.

"I'm on my way in" she held the phone with one hand as she pushed the building door open.

"We have a meeting to attend. Didn't you check your schedule?" he grunted.

"I'm sorry. I'm inside the building now," she whispered. What was wrong with her? She wasn't working in her best ability. Thelma shut her eyes. She has to be more focused and serious. She needed Alex to trust and believe in her.

"Just wait there. I will meet you. We need to leave now" his authoritative voice ordered and he hung up. 

Thelma stood where she was and took in a good amount of air. She was going to be in the car with Alex. Alone! That will be hard to handle.

She wished she didn't have feelings for him. She didn't want to. It would destroy her life. She needed to help her family exert revenge on the Rogers.

She spotted Alex from a distance. He had his hands dug into his pocket as he took steps towards her. His dark brown suit was fitted to his well-defined body. It made him look macho. He stopped and gestured that she followed him. They got to his car. Thelma saw the car and smiled. The car was an expensive brand. The black car shone under the bright rays of sun. He unlocked it and demanded, "Get in!" Thelma shrugged and got in. The journey began.


Theresa had began to do her work. She took it seriously. She was dedicated and ready to perform far better than anyone. A knock interrupted the silence in the room.

"Come in" Theresa voiced.

Vivian made her way into the room. She stood at the entrance. Her weight was resting on her left heel as she tried to strike a model pose. Theresa was starting to feel envious. She eyed Vivian, who looked hot in her pose. This annoyed her. Vivian had a plump, voluptuous figure.

Enraged, she asked "What can I do for you?"

Vivian smiled deviously. "Nothing much! Just came to give you this file and to...Tsk tsk!... Not boast but to show off a little!" she smirked and shook her head. "Trust me, I'm the hottest and sexiest female staff. You cannot take my post. Give up!"

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