Chapter 12

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"Like I said, dad called me" Theresa uttered and placed both hands on her hip.

"And what did he say?" Thelma asked, owl-eyed.

"Calm down! I will still say it. No rush, babe!" Theresa hissed and sat on her office chair. They had decided to have their conversation in her office. Her office had a charming interior design, a office desk and a leather seat. It wasn't spacious like that of Alex's office but it was comfortable. It was highly ventilated. Fresh air blew in through the open glass windows while the sun beamed, illuminating the office. The fragnance that filled the air was Theresa's expensive perfume.

"Theresa, I need to get back to work" Thelma urged impatiently. She moved her weight from one feet to the other.

"To work for that fool? What is our reason for coming to this place?" Theresa threw the question at her. "Is it to become slave to that beast?"

"Theresa, he is your boss! Don't insult him. Never refer to him as fool because he is not" Thelma scolded and pointed her index finger at Theresa.

"Thelma, he is our enemy. I want to call him a fool. You can't stop me"

Thelma shook her head.
"Sometimes I am so tired of your drama. Drama queen!"

Theresa rolled her eyes. "Like I said, dad called. He had asked if we have implemented our plan. I told him we haven't but we will. I told him about Antonio Russo" she paused to see if Thelma was listening.

"Go on. I have no time"

"Okay, and it happened like this," Theresa laughed. "Sorry! Well, uh... Dad said he didn't what a company that was crumbling so we agreed later on to actualize the plan after a moment when Alex has our trust. Actually, your trust. There is no way I will be nice to that guy".

"Err...For him to trust me?" Thelma used her thumb to stab her chest.

"Yeah! What's wrong with that?"

"Then, I would be betraying him?"

"Fool! Of course. Don't you know that saying 'an eye for an eye'. The Rogers betrayed our dad so we will betray them".

"I don't know if this is right" Thelma whispered with downcast eyes.

"Have you forgotten so soon? They are the cause of our mother's death. Mom died and when dad needed Mr Roger for support, he threw him out of his own company. Dad had to start from the very beginning by searching for a job. He later found a job that paid little amount which he used to feed us. Dad struggled to give us a luxurious life and now that he needs us the most..." she paused and swallowed the lump in her throat. "You want to sacrifice it for Alex. Awwwn! I see you don't want to break his heart" she concluded with a hint of sarcasm.

Thelma rubbed her palm on her thigh and nipped on her bottom lip.

"Girl, you are deceiving yourself. You make no difference to Alex. He will still be a cold and distant fool" Theresa spat the words and snorted.

"You are right. I'm in. This is a battle for our father. He deserves the best" Thelma stared with determination filled in her eyes.

Theresa hugged her and  cheered, "That's my brave sister".


"Sir, it's 6pm. Don't you think we should start leaving for the party?" Thelma proposed as she packed her bag. When there was no reply, she whipped her head to his direction.

"Mr Roger? I asked... "

Alex cut in, "You don't need to repeat yourself. I intentionally ignored you".

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