Chapter 66

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Theresa and Alex celebrated their valentine by having a picnic at the park. It was a sweet and peaceful one where they sat gazing at the beautiful nature around them. The next day, Theresa insisted that they went for a dance lesson. She was hoping to learn the swing dance moves.

"Why do you want to dance?" Alex asked as he typed on his laptop in his bedroom. Theresa rolled her eyes. She was sitting on a couch at the corner of his room. A throw pillow was on her thigh as she twirled a lock of her brown hair with her finger.

She glanced at him and said, "Because it will be fun"

"That's all"

"It will be romantic. Imagine us dancing together. That's an amazing sight," she gushed and hopped on the couch. "Alex, come on. Stop being boring".

"I'm not boring," he grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest.

Theresa picked a throw pillow. She flung it, aiming at Alex's face. Luckily, it hit Alex right at the face.

He huffed and rose to his feet. Theresa gasped and a boisterous laughter left her lips. She picked another throw pillow and aimed at his face again. A victory smile graced her face when it hit him.

"Stop it!" he groaned and rubbed his face.

"No way! I just want my boring boyfriend to go to a dance class with me. Is that too much to ask?" she whined and hopped on the couch.

"Stop acting like a child! We are not going to any dance class"


"Because I don't want to dance"

Theresa swiftly picked a throw pillow and hurled it at him. He caught it and threw it back at her. She dodged it and smirked, "2–0"

"What do you mean?" he asked and lifted his perfectly arched brow.

"I threw two pillows that hit your face," she snickered.

"Oh! So you are challenging me?" A mischievous smirk crawled onto his face and he quickly picked the other pillow that Theresa had threw at him earlier.

Theresa's eyes widened as she watched him move. When he flung it, she dodged it and ran out of the room.

"Don't run away. I'm still going to get you," he roared from the room and chuckled.

Theresa stopped running. She turned around and yelped when she saw Alex racing towards her. She dashed out of the hall and ran down the stairs. She circled the big couch in the luxurious living room. Alex also did the same. He tried to capture her in his arms but she was fast. When Alex's butler opened the entrance door of the mansion, Theresa ran out. She was out of breathe by the time she reached the basketball court. She paused to catch her breathe, a big smile on her face. The chilly wind nipped on her legs and she rubbed her palms together.

"Gotcha!" The deep timbre of Alex's voice came her way. His large arms wrapped around her waist and he placed his head on the hollow of her neck.

She sighed and relaxed in his arms. "So will you go to the dance class with me?" she whispered softly.


She spun around and threw her arms on his shoulder. "Thank you," she kissed his lips. "Let's go inside"

"Sure thing" he placed his hand at the small of her back and led her into the house.

The next day, Alex had paid a huge amount of money to a dance teacher for sending her students off. He wanted to be the only student in the class. He didn't want the public to see him dancing.

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