Chapter 65

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"Hmm?" Theresa sent a questioning look. She was still at the terrace of a restaurant on a date with Alex.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Alex asked again.

She regarded him with a brooding look and cautiously answered, "Yes!"

He froze and quizzed, "Yes?"


"You will be my girlfriend?"


"I never expected you to say yes"

"But I'm saying yes"

He smirked, "Nice!"

Theresa stared at him and smiled. "Nice!"

Alex is my boyfriend. This is great. Hurray!


Theresa was feeling good each day. Her relationship with Alex was getting better every moment they spent together. She swayed her hip as she strutted into the R&L company. She wished she could go Alex's office and see but she decided to head straight to her office. She had an uncompleted work and she knew that Alex loves his employees to be diligent. She didn't want to look like an incompetent sale manager. She wanted him to be proud of her.

As she got to the hallway, she met Ray, Alex's personal assistant. She sent a radiant smile at him and asked, "How're you doing?"

"Great!" he replied with a satisfied sigh. "Mr Roger has been nice to me. My parent are starting to accept my girlfriend. I think things are getting better".

"Wow! I'm glad to here that"

"What about you?"

"Me? I'm doing great"

He waggled his brows, "Your smile tells me that something good really happened to you. Are you going to tell me?"

"Nah!" she chuckled and waved her hands dismissively.

"Well done" a disembodied voice growled.

Theresa and Ray both cringed and glanced at the person. Alex stood firm, his biceps bulging as he crossed his arms.

"!" Ray bowed and took steps away from Theresa.

"Well done!" Alex scowled and fixed a cold glare at Ray. "I told you to get my coffee and you are here. A job well done!"

Ray shuddered and whispered, "I am sorry, sir! I will get your coffee now".

"Don't worry about that," Alex sent a sinister smile. "You are fired".

"What?" Theresa exclaimed and smacked Alex's arm. "You can't do that. He needs this job".

"I don't care"

"Ray, go get him his coffee. You aren't fired. Go now!" she instructed and watched as he scurried away.

"I am the boss here," Alex snarled and gripped her wrist. "He's fired"

"What did he do wrong? He is a diligent and shrewd man. He has been doing his job to his best ability. Why are you firing him?"

"Why are you defending him?" he snapped and lowered his head towards her. "Who is he to you?"

"Aargh! You are unbelievable"

"I think you have forgotten who the boss here is" Alex sneered and pulled her into his office. He slammed the door, gripped her wrist tighter and pulled her towards his leather desk. He grasped her shoulder and forced her to stand erect. He circled the desk and sat on his swivel chair.

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