Chapter 28

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"Thelma get in. We have somewhere important to go! " Alex said to Thelma. They were standing  by the side of his car.

"But sir, your schedule says you are free" Thelma replied.

*And today is my birthday. I need to rest. Please!! *

"I forgot to tell you. We have an important business meeting. I'm really sorry" he said and stared into her eyes. Her heart literally skipped.

*Meeting? Who organized this? Hater!! Just want to spoil my birthday. I hope you are rejoicing *

"Okay. Let's go! " Thelma replied and he opened the car door for her to walk in.

Few minutes drive later, Alex suddenly parked.

"We are here" he announced. Thelma squinted her eyes. She stared around.

"But this is the fair? "

"The meeting is held here! " He removed his suit and threw it into his car. He rolled his sleeve up and untucked his shirt. He went from business hunk to a sexy Guy.

"Hmm.. Okay" she got out of the car.

"Let's go! " he took hold of Thelma's hand. They got to the line for the ferris wheel ride.

"Sir, what's happening? " Thelma asked in fear.

He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Today is your birthday. Don't you think its time to try something adventurous. At least for me, as a friend ".

He gave a puppy dog look. Thelma giggled.

"Alright, you win"

*Okay, that puppy dog look was cute. Can this guy ever stop being charming and hot at the same time? It's driving me crazy!!! *

The line continued moving until it was their turn. Thelma held Alex's hand tight. She got in with him and it began to move. She bit her bottom lip frightened.

"Hey, it's okay. Everything will be okay. I assure you. I'm here " he gave her an assuring smile.

She nodded.

"Come, look at the world from up here. Look at the city" he gestured for her to come closer to the window. She did and gasped at the beauty. The people below looked like ants packed together. The sight was beautiful. They felt like they were on top of the world. They could see far and near, everyone and everything. 

As the wheel descended, Alex said, "This is another birthday gift from me to you".

"Really? It's the best" she wrapped her hands around his waist and hugged him. He used his finger to move her jaw up and her eyes stared into his.

"You can never imagine the peace I got after sharing my problems with you. I now feel like a changed man. A happy and peaceful one. I really don't know how to thank you " he said to her.

"You don't need to thank me. A friend in need is a friend indeed" she smiled at him.

Her eyes fell to his lips which drew close to her. They were now inches away. His lips parted.  Their lips drew closer, closer, closer, closer, oh did I mention closer and then the ride came to an end making their lips brush each other.

*Wow! Just great! Missed a great opportunity* Pls cue the sarcasm.

She smiled briefly as she awkwardly stepped out.

"You did it. See, it wasn't that bad!" he took hold of her hands.

A broad smile appeared on her face, "Yea! It wasn't".

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