Chapter 41

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"This dude wants to die," Don yelled after walking around for the past twenty minutes. They couldn't find their way. The land was free from trees except few but they still found it hard to navigate through. Ben wasn't helping the situation at all.

A bank of clouds came and hid the sun. They heard the rumble of distant thunder. The sky was getting ready for a downpour.

"Someone is going to die today. I swear!" Don roared with his fists clenching and unclenching. He sent daggers at Ben. Ben cringed and rubbed his neck.

"I am so sorry" Ben whispered.

Theresa walked and stood between the two men. She forced a calm smile and said, "Don, stop threatening him and please don't kill him. You will make others get the wrong idea of you".

"That guy wants to die"

"But you are acting as a noble man not a criminal. Stay in track, dummy!"

"But...the rain?"

"Well...I don't think the..." Theresa was interrupted by the sudden raindrops. The rain came in full force. It drowned them and left them soak.

"We need shelter" Ben yelled. "That tree is the only way out," he pointed at the only large tree in the vast land. Without hesitation, they ran there.

The tree wasn't able to protect them but at least, it tried. Alex dropped Thelma gently on the root of the tree. Thelma sat down and leaned  forward to examine her ankle. It had a scratch and a swollen red spot.

Theresa stood staring at the dark clouds. She frowned and turned to Ben.

"This is all your fault," she sneered.

Ben bit his lip and bowed his head, "I am so sorry".

"It doesn't change the situation," Don deadpanned.

"You would be dead soon" he added and eyed Ben.

Theresa chuckled nervously, "He is joking. He is not a murderer". Theresa glared at Don and added, "Just a plain business man, right?"

"Yeah! Just a plain businessman" Don replied with a flat tone. His murderous glare still tore through Ben.

The wind whistle as it swept around. It flew into Theresa's exposed belly. She regretted wearing a croptop. The chilly sensation the wind left, made her shiver. The cold wind was overwhelming and her wet skin made things worst.

"Are you cold?" Don whispered.

"Duh! It is so obvious" she hissed.

"Oh! Um..." he looked at himself and he had no jacket on. He made an effort to wrap his arm around Theresa but she leaned away.

"Are you nuts?" Theresa lowered her voice.

"But you said that you were cold?"

"So? Don't you know that to others we are like strangers who just met? What would they think?" Theresa scolded.

"So? My baby is cold" he wrapped his arm around her.

"Stop!" Theresa slapped his arm and he pulled it away. "You are even wet"

"But my warm body can help"

"You're unbelievable" Theresa replied and stole a glance of Alex. He had his whole attention to Thelma. "Fine! Alex and Thelma seem to busy to notice".

"Let's sit on the tree root" Don suggested.

"Okay!" Theresa walked up to the otherside of the tree and sat down. Don wrapped his arm around her. His warmth transferred to her shivering body and she heaved a sigh.

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