Chapter 38

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And if you are interested in a Nigerian Based Book. I wrote one called Our Naija Babe. It has relatable Nigerian experience.


"How can you not hire cooks?" Theresa yelled at Alex. Alex threw his hands in the air in mock surrender.

"It was Don who said we should do so," a goofy smile played on his face. Don smirked.

"Yeah, I did" Don added.

"So, you like the idea of waking up in the morning with no breakfast on the table?" Theresa fumed.

"No! But you, ladies can solve the problem. Just cook," Don remarked.

It was the morning on the day after their arrival to the mansion. The ladies had woken up with the idea to meet a prepared breakfast but Alex had taken pride in crushing their dreams. They had to prepare the breakfast themselves. There was no cook in the mansion.
  Theresa still on her night gown, had stomped into the gym in the mansion to defend the ladies. The guys were all working out while having some chitchat.

"Good morning, Theresa" Kelvin had spoke up to get attention. He was doing some lunges as he spoke. Theresa eyed him and placed a hard glare on Don.

"What is your reason for ruining our fun?" she asked.

"I love homemaid food," Don replied and winked. Theresa tucked her messy brown hair behind her ear and pursed her lips.

"I don't want to cook for you fools," she snarled.

"Hey," Alex called. "We are not fools". He frowned.

"Whatevs! You might not want to accept it," she paused and fixed her eyes on his. "But like they say, a fool can never admit that he is a fool".

"Ooh!" Kelvin jested. "That hurts!".

"Okay! Maybe we should hire a cook," Oscar suggested. He was doing some push-ups on a mat. His muscles popped at the intensity of the workout. A nice sight to see.

"That's why I like you, Oscar. You have a functioning brain unlike your friends," she glanced at the three men at once.

"No, Oscar! They should cook," Don insisted.

"Or are you scared because you don't know how to cook?" Alex taunted.

"Very funny! But I know how to cook, alright! Stop being so pathetic"

"Then, prove it," Kelvin responded.

"Aargh! Fine! We will" Theresa roared and stopped out of the room.

"That worked well" Kelvin screamed in an attempt to annoy Theresa the more.

When Theresa got to the living room. She found the ladies waiting.

"How did it go?" Caroline asked.

Theresa gave a wry smile and replied, "Not bad. Just that we will be cooking for those fools".

"That's not a good news" Caroline blurted. Theresa shrugged.

"I tried my best"

Caroline sighed and walked up to Thelma. Thelma was wearing a pink top over a pink pajamas trouser. Her hair was pulled into a bun.

Caroline leaned to Thelma's ear and whispered, "You know they say a way to a man is through his stomach. Maybe you can get Alex through that".

"Why do you say so?" Thelma asked in a soft voice.

"Cherry said that I should make sure that you get close to Alex. Maybe date, you know?" Caroline shrugged.

"Is that possible?"

Caroline chuckled, "Of course! This is like some kind of trip. You can get close to him if you make effort".

"I want to make effort"

"Fine! I will help you. First..."  she placed her hands on Thelma's shoulder. "Let's eat".

Thelma nodded and turned to Theresa. "I will cook" she smiled at her declaration.

Theresa smiled, "Really?"


"Then go. I am starving," Theresa exclaimed and rubbed her belly.

The morning sun creeped into the living room through the little opening at the side of the curtains. The big glass window were covered by grey curtains to add a beautiful look to the room painted white.

"I will go and take my shower," Theresa chirped and skipped off. She wanted to relax in the bathtub. It had a design of her style.


"Theresa! Theresa!" Thelma called when she walked into the room.

"What?"  Theresa asked as she air-dried her hair. The room was large with big windows. A king-sized bed occupied the end of the room. They had a walk-in wardrobe and their clothes were arranged there. The gold and white colour made the room look exquisite. The twin had to share a room and they were happy about it. Others had their own room to themselves.

"Breakfast is ready," Thelma chimed.

"I am on my way"

Thelma nodded, "I will call the rest". She hopped out of the room and went to Alex's room. Her knuckle racked on the door and it flung open.

Alex stood shirtless with a towel wrapped at his lower body. His fingers ran down his wet hair while he tried to loosen the tangled black strands. His body glimmered under the water that streaked down to soak his towel. The light seemed to know the best part of his body, as his abs were highlighted by its beam. His muscles flexed as his fingers kept on moving in and out of his hair.

"Hey" he greeted and flashed a friendly smile.

"Umm... " Thelma's brain was having an overload of hotness. Her vocabulary was burnt by his look, leaving her speechless.

"What's wrong?" he asked with a concerned look.

"Food... Hmm... Uh..." she gulped. "Breakfast is ready" and a weak smile accompanied her remark.

He grinned. "Good! I will be there in a minute," he beamed and shut the door. 

Thelma stood, rooted to the ground. She inhaled and exhaled till her brain was back to normal. She staggered back down the stairs and to the kitchen.

She walked in. Kelvin was already munching on the toast bread. His tea was close to his arm that lay on the dining table.

"Wow!" he exclaimed as his eyes fell on Thelma. "Wonderful cooking skill ".

Theresa had made a toast, a scramble egg and a bacon. They were all dished in a plate, waiting for its owner. She had prepared Alex's coffee the way he would love it.

Oscar sat beside Kelvin. His lips moved with a certain rythms as he chewed on his toast. He smiled gleefully at Thelma. His blue eyes flashing bright.

"Thelma, you make it hard for people not to fall for you. Why?" Oscar blurted out.

Thelma's mouth went wide in amusement. She didn't know how to react to this.

"What he means, is that he loves you," Kelvin announced with a proud look.

"Who is in love?" Alex's voice echoed as he walked into the kitchen.

Thelma gasped at his sight.

*What if he misunderstands the situation? Ahh, why those Kelvin talk a lot?*

   ~~Author's note~~

What do you think of this? Did you enjoy it? Do you want Thelma to proceed with her plan to get Alex or should see just stay with Oscar?

Thanks for reading my book. ❤❤❤ 😘😘 Pls vote and comment.

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