Chapter 45

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I am so sorry for the late update. I am working on a new book called See It the Way I Do. Pls could you check it out on your free time. Thanks 😘

I want to give a shout out to the following readers. Love ya guys ❤💖😘

genius_mk.      LeiCrime13


Mr_isaire.   adijhan   ari_ade

Johnsonfavour. Richo513

Thanks for reading my book even when I am slow at my updates.

After breakfast, everyone except Theresa gathered in the living room.

"Let's play basketball!" Kelvin chirped. "I haven't played basketball for some time now. It is messing with my head".

"Okay! Sounds like a good idea," Alex replied. "Who would like to join us?"

"I don't know how to play basketball" Caroline replied.

"Me too!" Ursula added.

"Oscar! Don! What about you guys?" Kelvin questioned.

"I can try but I am not really good" Oscar replied.

"Don! What about you?" Kelvin asked.

Don snapped his head at his direction, "Huh?"

"Are you going to play basket...?"

"Where is Theresa?" Don's voice barked, interrupting Kelvin.

"Thelma said she was sleeping" Caroline replied and glanced at Thelma. "Right?"

"Yeah! She is still sleeping" Thelma voiced.

"That's strange. Is she okay?" Don asked.

"I think so!" Thelma replied.

"That's strange. I thought Theresa was an early riser" Kelvin wandered.

"She is! I just don't know what happened to her today" Thelma added.

Alex scratched his jaw and glanced at Thelma, "How about we forget about her and play basketball?"

"But..." Thelma trailed off.

"Shall we?" Alex stood up and walked towards the entrance door.

Thelma sighed and smiled at him.

*I am glad Alex is better. I was able to help him. He was right when he said he was fine last night. At first, I thought he was lying but he wasn't. To think of it, why did Theresa ask me to make an appointment with a doctor? Alex looks fine*

Thelma rose to her feet and followed others to the basketball court.

"Let's teach the ladies how to play," Kelvin smirked. He threw a ball at Thelma. "Try throwing the ball through the basketball hoop".

Thelma let out a nervous chuckle. "I don't think I can do that," she replied.

"Just try!"

"Oka...okay!" she stuttered. She threw the ball and it fell a few feets away from her.

Kelvin's eyes bulged. "That was worst than I thought" he exclaimed.

Thelma bit her lip and slouched. "I know," she mumbled.

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