Chapter 23

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"Aargh! Get me another coffee" Alex raged.

Thelma gulped and picked the coffee mug. She glanced at the spilt coffee on the floor, sighed and left the office.

It has been a week after the previous drama. Alex had stormed into the office in a foul mood.

The coffee Thelma was about to get would be the third and maybe the first he would drink. All the others were spilt on the floor. Two cleaners had been fired that morning.

Alex kept slamming his fist on the table. His knuckles were already bleeding. Thelma walked in. She held the coffee mug in her trembling hands.

She was filled with fear. She said a short prayer. The one work she was to do, serve him coffee, had became a nightmare.

She passed the mug to him and fixed her gaze on him to know if he would drink it.

Luckily, he sipped but frowned. He threw the mug, smashing it at the wall.

"Just one work!" Alex thundered. "To serve a simple coffee? How is that hard? How? Get out of this office. I don't want to see your face. Leave!". The words stabbed Thelma's heart. She nodded and scurried away.

Thelma sighed as she walked down the hallway. She got to the reception. Evans and Cherry were leaning on the wooden table as they chatted.

"Mr. Roger is furious today" Evans announced.

"Whatever! He is always rude. Not a big news!" Cherry scowled.

*Sincerely, Mr Roger is not always angry. Today is just different. Someone actually stepped on his toes *

Evans smirked at Cherry who nipped on her pink lip absent-mindly.

A short plump lady walked up to them.

"You want to know what we should avoid?" the lady stared at everyone. "Making mistakes! Mr. Roger has fired three cleaners and a staff today. We need to be careful"

She spun on her heels, heading to the elevator at the end of the hallway. She paused and looked over her shoulder. "Especially you, Thelma! He is dangerous when he is angry".  She lowered her voice in a spooky way and added, "Most especially on this day, May 15th. Rumors says that he had a bad experience on this specific date that makes him act like a beast".

Everyone stared, gobsmacked. She had actually brought fear into them. The lady clapped her hands and made her say to the elevator. "Back to business, people" she voiced.

"She is right. He is definitely acting like a beast" Cherry hissed.

"Calm down! He is just in a bad mood! Please don't say that!" Thelma pleaded.


Theresa pushed Alex's office door and walked in with an air of confidence. "Yeah! You called?" she inquired, swaying her hip in every step she took.

"So this is what you plan to present to our investors?" Alex barked.

"Huh?" Theresa exclaimed.

"How immature and senseless! My eyes are bled when I read this TRASH!" He snorted and waved the files in the air.

That was Theresa's hardwork. She had spent nights gathering a good plan and strategy to encourage investors to pay more.

"How dare you call that trash?" she glared at him.

"I just did and I will do it again. This is trash!" he tore the papers in the file and flung it to Theresa's direction.

"I need a better one in the next three hours or you say goodbye to your job!" he added and sat on his leather chair.

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