Chapter 26

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A soft knock was heard on Theresa's office door.

"Come in" she said boldly feeling so powerful. She was the boss and it felt so good to her.

Cherry came in with a calm expression. "You called for me, ma'am", her high-pitch soft voice filled the air.

"Yes, sit"

She sat. Her eyes did a quick glance around the office before settling at Theresa's gaze.

"I saw you kissing a guy earlier. I think Evans" Theresa said bluntly.

Cherry's expression became dark with fear. Her eyes blinked continuously trying to digest the information that came like a bomb to her.

"I won't say a word. Calm down" Theresa smiled mischievously.

Cherry sighed and arched an eyebrow at Theresa.

"Just answer a few questions " Theresa said and shrugged.

She relaxed comfortably at her seat and began tapping the table melodiously.

She leaned closer and rested her jaw on her clasped hand.

"What's love? "

Cherry burst into laughter that lasted for a long time.

"Sorry" she eventually said when her laughter died down. "I expected something else".

"Well, answer. I'm a busy person, Cherry"

"Actually, I can't define it but you will know it when you feel it. That person becomes all you live for technically. He will occupy your thoughts. His presence will make you happy. Without him around you, you feel empty. He will mean the world to you. His touch will definitely affect you. If he is happy, you're happy. If he is sad, you're sad. You will want him to need you just as you need him. And... Your heart will tell you the rest. So, follow it"

"How do you know you're following your heart? "

"Well, if you are not. You won't be happy with your decision" she smiled and wiggled her eyes at Theresa.

"Are you falling in love? Give me details" she leaned her face nearly close to Theresa's.

"What? No! Geez! People! " she threw her head back and relaxed on her seat.

"You sure? Have your heart accepted someone you never expected? "

"What? No, Cherry... Wait, accepting a friend, does it count? "

"Friends do fall in love with each other, girl! " she airquoted.

"No, this guy is different. More like a brother I never had"

"Say it till you believe it " she wiggled her brows again.

"You are unbelievable! I am just asking because of a guy that wants me to be his girlfriend " Theresa blurted and closed her mouth in shock when the words were out.

"Is he hot? "

"Hmmm..... Sincerely, smoky hot"

"Sexy? "

"Yeah. I can't believe I am admitting this"

"Rich? "

"Yes! "

"Handsome? "

"Yes! "

"Romantic? "

"Kind of! "
*That pincic was quite cute*

"Are you crazy! What are you waiting for? "

"Love, duh? " Theresa rolled her eyes. "I want to experience the love before I jump into the relationship ".

Contradicting Twins Love {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now