Chapter 62

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"Oscar, do you have to put a blindfold over my eyes?" Thelma whined as he slowly got her out of the car.

"Sshh!" Oscar hushed. "I want to surprise you".


"Sshh!" he hushed. "Where do you think I am taking you for our date?"

"To be sincere, I have no clue" she replied and placed her hand on the blindfold. "Can I take it off?"

"Wait," he exclaimed. "I don't know whether you are gonna like this place but..."

"Don't worry! I'll like it!"

"How sure are you?"

"Hundred percent!"

"Okay!" he removed the blindfold. "Tada!"

"Aquarium?" Thelma exclaimed. "Oh my gosh! I love this. I have never gone to the New York Aquarium! Come on! Let's go in, please"

"You like the surprise?"

"Oscar, I love it! Let's go in!"

"Alright!" he smiled and slipped his hand into Thelma's. He held her hand and they walked into the big building.

They walked around and enjoyed the sight. The moment was exquisite. Thelma wasn't the gregarious type but she was impressed that Oscar considered her. He selected a place she could enjoy and she was definitely enjoying it. She glanced at all the fishes in the large tank.

"Let's see the sharks. It is summer. I'm sure that they are out!" Oscar suggested.

"Sharks?" Thelma gasped. "No! I am scared of sharks".

"Oh!" he stroked his chin. "Are you sure you don't want to see them? They are in a tank. They can't attack us!".

"You want to see it, don't you?" she rose a brow and tilted her head.

"Yes!" he pouted.

"But I am too scared to go!"

"Hmm..." he ran his fingers down his hair. "But I'm there with you. Nothing will happen!"

"I'm still scared!"

"You need to conquer your fear!"

"That animal is dangerous!" she pointed out.

"I have a plan"


"How about we go together but I'll be there. I will wrap my hands around you to make you aware of my presence and make you feel safe!" he wiggled his brow and smiled, his dimples flashing. "It sounds like a good plan".

"Hmm...." her eyes rolled skywards and she glanced back at Oscar. "Okay!"

He bowed, picked her hand and planted a kiss on it. "Thank you, my princess!"

Thelma's face flushed and she looked away to prevent Oscar from seeing her pink face.

"Let's go!" he held her hand and led her towards the area the sharks were kept.

When they got to the place, Thelma squeaked. Her first plan was to run but Oscar held her. He pulled her to the front of the tank and went behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and placed his chin on the crook of her neck. His breathe fanned her cheek and his arms encircled her small waist. Her breathe hitched and she glanced at him. She followed him gaze and found that he was staring at the sharks. She squinted her eyes and studied the sea creature. With Oscar beside her, she felt safe and calm. She smiled and glanced back at him. He was beautiful. A view she could never get tired of seeing. Her eyes twinkled and the corner of her lips rose. She was willing to give her heart to a caring man like Oscar.

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