Chapter 16

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Oscar pulled Thelma by her hand into Seabreeze Amusement Park that was located in Rochester, New York. Teenagers, adults and kids all flooded the area. In the wide landscape was a ferris wheel, a long rollercoaster, and other exciting fun-filled rides.

"Which ride should we go for?" Oscar quizzes with a wide, easy grin. Thelma looked around and a big smile mounted on her face. Her eyes flickered in amusement as she stretched her hands out.

"Ice cream!" she yelled and dragged Oscar along with her to the ice cream shop.
"Ice cream for two!" she said and giggled.

"Okay! What flavour?" the shopkeeper asked.

"Hmm.. Vanilla and Strawberry flavor, my favourite. Oscar, what about you?"

"I would like vanilla and chocolate together" he smiled at Thelma.

"I love ice cream. Sorry,  what were you asking me earlier?"

"Ride? I was talking about... "

Thelma cut in, "Rollercoaster, let's have a ride on the rollercoaster".

"Sure," he paid the shopkeeper and they scrolled towards the queue for the rollercoaster ride. After waiting for minutes which never reached an hour, they got on the ride. It started slowly ascending to the top. A great deal of tension crawled into Thelma's body and she gripped Oscar's hand tightly.

"This is gonna be awesome " Oscar yelled as the rollercoaster increased its speed, descending effortlessly in a wormlike rail.

"Wheee!!" Thelma shrieked in a child-like manner.

At the end of the ride, Thelma and Oscar couldn't stand on their legs. It wiggled as they walked out.

"How was it?" Thelma asked.


"This is my first time on such a rollercoaster. In fact, this is my first time here"


"Yeah, I came here for some business reasons. I can't believe I survived such ride"

"Let's go to the big wheel"

"Ferris wheel? Never!"

"Why not?"

"I have never entered one and will never"

"Come on, it's not that bad. Trust me!"

"I am scared of height and that's very high" she pointed at it and shook her head. "I want a cotton candy, please" she pouted.

Oscar shrugged, "Let's get one then".

She was glad ge didn't force her. She was scared of those ferris wheel. She has a feeling that the day she enters it, it may fall or stop working. She Just couldn't take the risk.

Oscar is a cutie just like his puppy, she thought. She got lost in his icy blue eyes at different moment. His smiles were breathetaking. She couldn't believe he was paying for everything they bought and rode. She was definitely having a great time. She wondered what Theresa could be doing at the time. She guessed that she was either sleeping or taking selfies.


Theresa and Kelvin were at the basketball court.

"So, this is what we are going to do. You try throwing this ball..." Kelvin tossed the ball to Theresa.  "... through the basketball hoop. If you get a good shot, you are gonna let me teach you the joy in basketball. Agreed?"

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