Chapter 11

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"Her royal highness, Princess Thelma is here" A knight said and bowed.

"We crown thee, Queen of the Crystal Island" a priest professed and placed his hand on Thelma's head. She was wearing a big blue ball gown. A loud scream from the crowd interrupted the silence.

"Oh, no!" a knight shrilled. "The dragon king is here" A large black dragon flew past them and a black warrior jumped out.

"I shall be the king of this Island," he declared and snarled.

"Princess Thelma, please come with me!" a Charming Prince held his hand out to her. Thelma, the princess placed her hand on his hesitantly. His warm large hand gripped hers and they ran. They dodged every fireball the dragon blew to them.

"You, fool! WAKE UP! WAKE UP..." Theresa's voice began to ring across the island as if the heavens were speaking.

"Princess, duck!" the Prince yelled as a fireball came straight to her face.


Thelma was soaked on the bed.

"Wh...Wh...What...Why?" were the only words Thelma could utter.

"Your foolish boss won't stop calling you. Take this phone" Theresa forced the iphone into Thelma's palm.

Thelma jumped out of the bed. She cleared her throat and picked the call.

"And the stupid p.a answers. Pttf!" Theresa scoffed and began to lay the bed.

"What's this? I have been calling you for an hour now and it's at this time you're answering?" Alex yelled into the phone. His deep, thunderous voice rid Thelma of any sleep.

"Sorry! I was quite busy," she whispered, her voice still groggy.

"Busy doing what? Sleeping?" he queried.

"Whaaattt?" she drawled and scratched her messy hair. "No!"

"I was... Uh.. Hmm.. Doing some thing important in my personal life" she fumbled with her words.

Like having a fantastic time in my imaginary Crystal island as the princess-to-be-crowned-queen

"Whatever, I called to inform you that you and I will be attending an investor's birthday party that starts at 7pm" he announced.


"Don't just say okay" he snapped, his gravelly voice boomed. "Cancel every plan you have for today".

"I will," she replied softly.

"Before I hang up, I want to inform you that I know you were sleeping. You better not be late" he scoffed and hung up. 

"He knew! How?" she whispered. "Was it obvious?"

"Why did he call you?" Theresa insisted. 

"I will have to attend a party at 7pm with him," Thelma sighed and tossed her phone on the bed.

"Am I invited?"

"He didn't say anything about you"

Theresa winced.

"Don't be angry, Theresa. You have plans for tonight, have you forgotten? "

"What plan?"


"Oh!" Theresa hissed.

"Ugh! I hate going to parties. I wish I could go to a ball" Thelma lamented. She scratched her hair, stifled a yawn and stretched.

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