Chapter 32

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A proud smile grazed Theresa's face. She had on a face mask.

"Few minutes more and my face will be glowing" she squealed.

Her phone buzzed making a gasp in shock. "That scared me! " she exclaimed. She walked to her bed where her phone laid.

"A message, uh? " she remarked. "From Xander! Have he seen the pictures"

She clicked on it and the message popped out.


Alex: Very funny, Theresa! - sarcasm-😒

Theresa:😂😂😜 I told you that I will give you sleeping pill. How are you sleeping dummy?

Alex: 😠 You are such a naughty girl.

Theresa: 😠😡

Alex: Resa baby is angry 😂😂

Theresa: 😒  so flabbergasted by your stupidity

Alex: Ouch! I am your boss you know. How can you be working under a stupid person. That means you are also stupid.

Theresa: A row of applause for his words. Really wisdom-like. (Extremely sarcastic)

Alex: You are so annoying 😡 but how did the meeting go?

Theresa: Hmm...... 😢 I am so sorry

Theresa began to laugh.
"I would love to see his reaction" she sighed.

Her phone rang and it was Alex calling. She smirked.

"Hello! " she said as she stared at her fingernails.

"Tell me you are joking" His voice came loud from the phone. Theresa tilted her head away and shook it in disappointment.

"Do you want to destroy my ear? " she yelled back at the top of her voice.

"Aargh! That was too loud" he said in a lower tone.

"And yes! The meeting went bad! I didn't want to tell you" she said in a frank tone.

A grave silence followed. She could hear his breathe from the other end. He sounded like a ticking bomb.

"Aargh! " he growled. "See what you caused, you stupid woman" he yelled.

Theresa gasped. For a split second, she felt fear. He sounded dangerous. The next thing she heard was of glass and books falling to the fall. Alex was already destroying his place out of anger.

*Should I tell him the truth? Nope! I love drama. Let's see how this goes*

"I am so going to get you for this. Expect me in five minutes" he threatened, his voice low, bitter and husky. It was rough in the ear and sent scorpions down her spine.

"Alex... " he hung up before she could explain herself.

"It was all a joke. It went well" she whispered to herself. "Well! " she shrugged.

"I love drama! Let me wash off this face mask and wait"

Exactly five minutes, he was using his fist to pound the door.

"Chill! " Theresa jeered and opened the door. "Oh my! What brings you here, good sir?" she asked sweetly, batting her lashes.

Alex did the unexpected. He gripped her neck with force, locked the door behind him and slammed her to the wall.

She was choking as she spilled the quaking words out "It was just a joke! "

Alex's eyes cleared a little as it softened. "It went well? "

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