Chapter 43

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"Thelma, you worry too much. I am fine! You can go to bed," Alex insisted.

"No! Let me sleep on this couch and watched you" Thelma replied and sat on the couch.

It was night time and everyone was sleeping. She felt sleepy but did not want to leave Alex alone.

"I am fine" Alex said. "Go to bed".

"But... "

"Look at me. I am better. There is no fever" Alex rose up on his bed and smiled at Thelma. "I am fine".

Thelma narrowed her eyes at him. She stood up, walked to him and placed her palm on his forehead. He seemed alright.

"Okay! I will go. Goodnight! If you need anything..." she placed his phone close to him. "Call me".

"Thank you very much, Thelma" he smiled.

"You don't have to thank me. I will always be willing to help" she giggled and left the room.


Theresa wiggled on her bed. She found it hard to sleep. She wiggled and faced Thelma. Thelma was sleeping peacefully. A calm smile graced her face.

*Why can't I sleep? *

Theresa hopped out of the bed. She wore her flip-flops, stretched her short nightgown and strolled out of the room.

*Maybe I am just thirsty*

She got to the kitchen. A dark figure stood at the refrigerator. Clashing sounds filled the room. The figure staggered backward and leaned on the counter for support.

*Who is there? What's happening? Is this some kind of joke? What if that was a... Zombie! Or a... Vampire... Werewolf... Maybe I should stop being silly*

"Who is there?" Theresa yelled with a bold voice. She walked towards the switch and flipped it. A bright light illuminated the dark kitchen.

Theresa's eyes widened as she saw Alex trying to stand firm. He was weak and ill. His black hair was in a big mess and his eyes were red and swollen. With his sloped shoulder, you could tell he had no strength.

"Alex!" Theresa called and ran to him. She placed her arm around his waist and tried to help him stand firm. "What happened to you?" she asked and looked into his weary eyes.

"I am fine!" he shoved her aside.

He stumbled and waddled to the refrigerator.

"What are you looking for?" she went to his side and looked into the refrigerator.

"Mind your business" he growled.

*I can't mind my business! You aren't feeling well, stupid!*

"Let me help you. You don't look well" she spoke in her calmest tone.

His eyebrows rose and he shook his head. "I don't need your help".

Theresa watched him. Her heart melted and she knew she couldn't leave him like that. He needed her help.

"Xander, please let me help"


"Why are you so stubborn?"

"I should ask you that question"

"Well, there is no way I am going to leave you like this. You can't push me away. You need my help," Theresa said in a firm tone. She had made up her mind. She tucked the strands of her light brown hair behind her ear. Her hair was in a messy bun.

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