Chapter 20

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Theresa had gotten back home safely after the hours spent on the plane. She found her phone lying on top of her dresser and smiled.

"My baby, I missed you!" she hugged her phone, bringing it close to her chest.

"I should call Thelma" she said out loud and dialed Thelma's phone number.

A muffled sound was heard before Thelma voiced, "Hello!"

"What's up, sweet sis?" Theresa beamed.

"Why didn't you come to the office? I have been waiting for you"

"I just got home now"

"You have to come to the office. Mr. Roger wants to speak to you" she sighed. "We are waiting".

The line went dead.

It was evident on Thelma's voice that she was sad and angry with her.

*Was it my fault? No! They kidnapped me. I was in a life or death situation. I will just go to the office. I know Alex won't spare me*


"Sir, she is on her way" Thelma announced to Alex.

His scowl sent shivers down her spine.

"What kind of woman is she?" he bellowed. "She just decides when to come to work and when not to. Who is she? How dare she? How are you even related to he" Anger was laced in every words he yelled.

*By blood! We are related by blood*

Thelma stifled the laughter that wanted to burst out.

"Have you done what I told you to do?" he asked in a calmer tone.

"Yes, sir! It's all done!" she smiled. It seemed like her smile was contagious because he smiled back.

Recently after their lunch, he smiled often. She could remember her discussion with him. She had told him about every Barbie series she had watched and he listened. He also told her about the Avengers and she also listened. Then they jumped into different topics. They had become close like friends or maybe more than. Who knows?

She gave him the records she held and he took it with a smirk engraved on his features. He looked so handsome that Thelma couldn't stop ogling at him.

*Oh, I need to stop staring. What's inside those black eyes that captures me. Stop staring!!! This is so horrible.*

She peeled her gaze from him. In an attempt to leave, she tripped and Alex was quick to catch her in his arms. Thelma felt the warm sensation Alex's touch triggered in her. Her eyes studied all his facial appearance up close. 

Then, his eyes dropped to her lips. She didn't even know when she licked it. It was as if her whole body was screaming for him to kiss her. Their lips drew close every moment that passed. It was now inches away.

Bang! The door swung wide open. Theresa stood there, staring gobsmacked.Thelma and Alex pulled away from each other. He cleared his throat and adjusted his suit.

"You..." Theresa cut him off harshly.

"Did I interrupted something?" she glared at Thelma.

"No! I have been waiting for you!" Alex yelled and narrowed his eyes at her.

"I see!" She stroked an invisible bread. "You missed me".

"What? You wish! I have never seen an incompetent fool like you. How dare you decide not to come to work today?"

As calm as she could, she replied, "Something urgent happened"

"How urgent? Someone was planning to steal all the clothes in the mall?" he snapped and folded his arms. His muscles flexed and Thelma gawped.

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