Chapter 36

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"Everyone! This is Don Smith , our new investor" Alex introduced.

"Nice to meet you all" Don smirked, his eyes lingered on Theresa.

Theresa gulped and averted her gaze to a random person.

*What is he doing here? I thought I was able to get rid of him. I hope he doesn't cause any drama and never tells anyone about our fake relationship *

"I am Oscar Dan" Oscar stretched his hand for a manly handshake.

"Kelvin Shane" Kelvin replied and hesitated to shake his hand.

"I'm Caroline"

"While I'm Ursula"

"I'm Thelma Logan! " Thelma grinned.

Everyone turned to Theresa as they waited for her to introduce herself. She rolled her eyes at them.

"I'm Theresa Logan" she replied. Don stretched his hand for a handshake. Theresa eyed it suspiciously.

"Nice to meet" Don's husky voice whispered.

Theresa placed her hand on his large, rough palm. But before she could pull away, he placed his other hand above hers and with his thumb, stroked her bare skin.

She cringed and pulled harder. When she was freed, she replied dryly "Nice to meet you too".

"Shall we go?" Alex asked.

"Sure! We will be using my private jet" Don replied. They began their amble to the jet.

Theresa did everything she could to avoid sitting beside Don. She slumped into a seat close to the window. Luckily, Kelvin sat beside her.

"Theresa, Don is here" he whispered.

"I know that" Theresa snorted.

"Why is he here?"

"I don't know"

"What should we do? He is a mafia, you know"

"I haven't told you something" Theresa muttered under breathe.


"He asked me to be his girlfriend for a month and promised to pay me" she scrutinized his face as his eyes flashed open in disbelief.

"You agreed to that?"

"I thought I won't be seeing him. I guess I was wrong"

"What if he hurts you, Theresa"

"What do you me by that, Kelvin? I can't easily be broken. I hardly trust people" she scoffed.

"But he is dangerous" he sighed.

"I know" she sighed as well. "Do you know I only trust three people in this life?"


"My nanny that brought me up, Thelma and my dad. I don't think my dad can ever betray me" she smiled.

"But... What about me? Don't you trust me?" he whined and puffed his lower lip out.

"You? I even think your brain was replaced by a marshmallow" Theresa snickered and ruffled his  light brown hair.

He glared at her and huffed, "Mean!"

The atmosphere dropped into a deafening silence. Everyone just stared blankly at themselves. Don and Alex sat as a pair, Oscar and Thelma as another pair and Ursula and Caroline were the last pair.

"Let's play a game, shall we?" Caroline squealed.

"Sure!" Kelvin yelled. "I am so bored"

"This game is called 'Would you rather' " Caroline exclaimed. "Are you interested?" The question was mostly directed to the men that sat like frozen fish, Alex and Don. Their face was screwed up into a serious and cold look.

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