Chapter 53

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Theresa ran her fingers down the black leather office seat. She sighed and glanced at the big office room. The fact that Alex had worked there brought memories she wished she didn't remember. He was the CEO. Now, she is.

She sauntered towards the large glass window that exposed the busy world to her. She stared at the blue sky and sighed.

I miss him! I miss him so much! I don't think we can ever be friends again. Alex and I are forever enemies. There is nothing I can do about it. But...I just don't understand why my feelings for him hasn't changed.

The telephone on her desk rang. Theresa picked it and the receptionist spoke from the other end "Ma'am, you have a visitor!"


"Mr Logan, your father!"

"Let him in!"

"Okay, ma'am!"

The call was terminated and she began her work. She flipped through files and jotted. Thelma had refused to work in the company. This annoyed her. Theresa couldn't understand why Thelma was angry. They had made their father proud. Why wasn't Thelma rejoicing about that?

I know she might be angry her relationship with Alex ended but...Come on! I warned her that she shouldn't fall for the enemy. She did! She is paying the price like me. At least, there is a chance Alex might still like her and could forgive her. But I don't think that can happen to me. He hates me! And the irony is that I still love him.

Theresa knew she needed a personal assistant but she wasn't ready to employ anyone yet. So she worked herself. Three minutes later, her father walked in. He wore a distressed look as he sat on the seat in front of her desk.

"What's the matter, dad?" Theresa dropped her pen and placed her full attention on him.

"I don't like the mansion you bought!" he snapped.

"Why not? It's good!"

"But not perfect!" her father pointed out and wiggled his index finger.

"Perfect?" she cocked her brow at him.

"Yes! I want you to buy a mansion worth billions!"

"What?" she exclaimed. "No way, dad! That's not happening!"

"Why?" he sneered.

"That is because I don't have the money!"

"That's a lie, Theresa!" his brows furrowed. "This company makes a lot of money. Use it!"

Theresa burst into laughter and paused. She glared at her father and he sent a sad look at her.

"Dad, I might have taken Alex's company but I don't plan of making it crumble. I want it to grow. This company is going to be the best worldwide" she sucked in some air and added softly, "So I can't use that money for my personal life. Sorry daddy!"

He sniffed and rubbed his eyes. "I'm getting old, dear! I might die soon! I just wanted to enjoy the little time I have on earth. That's why I am asking for that" he said with a throat voice. He let out a dry cough and his eyes became teary and red.

"Dad, don't say that. You won't die!" Theresa stood, walked to his side and rubbed his back.

"The death of your mother hurts a lot. I just want a big mansion to stay in. I just want to live a luxurious life before I pass away!" he sighed. "When I die, you can sell the house!"

"Dad!" she whined. "Don't say that. You can't leave us. I will buy the house. Please, don't ever mention death!"

He nodded and the moment Theresa turned her head away, a sinister smile creeped into Mr Logan's face.

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