Chapter 8

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Alex sat on his swivel chair. He steepled his fingers and rocked on his chair. He was contemplating on how he could get his business back in shape. At that moment, it was disoriented.

"Seriously, Vivian and that her brother are fools" Theresa commented as she toyed with a pen on Thelma's office desk. She sat on it and crossed her long legs.

"How can you call them fools?" Alex asked. "They need a better adjective worst than the word 'fools'. How can they even think for a second that I will give them 80% of our monthly income?"

"I know, right? They have proven to me that not  everyone that looks normal are actually sensible" Theresa exclaimed, flailing her arms.

"Okay! Instead of insulting, let's think of a plan" Thelma suggested.

"What do we look like we're doing?" Alex snapped and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Playing?" Theresa quizzed with both brows up.

"Okay! I was just saying" Thelma heaved a sigh and chewed on her bottom lip. "Please, don't vent your anger on me" she whispered.

"Then act sensible" Theresa spat.

"Exactly!" Alex added. Theresa turned to him with one heavy brow slanted in strong disapproval.

"And you? Since when did you start agreeing with me?" Theresa snarled.

"Women are just filled with drama and no idea!" Alex rolled his eyes and stood up.

"What... "

He cut Theresa short and added "None of you were able to think of a plan. But I did?"

"What's the plan?" Thelma asked.

"Well, let's just burn Anthony's company to ashes" Alex said as he tried to suppress his evil smirk.  Theresa hopped to her feet and giggled with a devilish smirk.

"Great idea!" she gave him a thumbs up.

"How can..."

He interrupted Thelma and with a serious tone told them off, "Fools! I'm not that stupid. I have a friend willing to invest billions. I just have to convince him we are not fraudsters. I will get my personal detective to investigate on Anthony. He needs to be sued to court for his deeds. I will also handle the media. Maybe we can get our investors to come back"

"Great idea!" Thelma complimented.

"Yeah!" Theresa cheered in a low-spirit. "The first idea was the best!" she mumbled and her eyes gleamed of deviltry.

"I admit that my first idea was evil and good. But what I fear is my company getting burnt in return or else that would have been the best plan" Alex scowled at the thought of Anthony. "Well, thanks for nothing, ladies. Out of my office! " he gave a dismissive wave and plopped down on his chair.

"I'm your P.A. Shouldn't I stay?" Thelma's soft voice echoed.

"You can. But your opposite should leave!"

Theresa felt indirectly slapped. "Whose opposite?  You are crazy for saying that. She is my opposite not the other way"

"What am l saying?" he cocked an eyebrow.

"It sounds the same but there is a difference. You are making it sound as if I am the bad one while she's the good one"

"Your point is invalid. Leave!" he sighted her out of the corner of his eyes and proceeded to typing on his laptop.

Theresa pursed her lips and balled her fist. She stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind her.

Thelma felt bad for her sister. She knew her sister hates it when they call her the opposite of her. They were different but that was what made them unique.

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