Chapter 35

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"Thank you for coming on a short notice" Alex said to his employees. They all sat around the big wide desk while he stood at the end of it. He nodded to Thelma. She began to share the files.

   "We had an investor who was willing to assist us get a land in Florida. That file has an image of it" he picked one and flipped.
  Everyone nodded. Theresa sat beside him. She studied the image and smiled.

*Not bad!! It is large*

"So I wanted to make an announcement" he glanced at Theresa who nodded. "I and some appointment would go to that place. We have to supervise some construction. We would be back in a week"

Thelma watched the surprise look on their faces.

*What's the big deal? *

"Caroline and Theresa! You will be coming with me. Mr Allan, you are in charge of the management. Every HOD should work efficiently. Nothing should go wrong" he glared at each faces. "Is that clear?" His deep voice frightened them, bringing tension in the room.

"No problem sir" Mr Allan replied.

"The meeting is over. Caroline, you wait behind" Alex yelled.

"Yes, sir! "

Everyone departed silently.

"You asked for me" Caroline whispered. Alex rubbed his temples.

"You will be coming with us" he said.

"Okay sir! "

"I will send the information to your email. You can leave" she nodded and left the room.

"Hmm... " Thelma said, fumbling with words. "Hmm... I mean.. Are we travelling?"

Theresa smiled.  "Yep! At first, Alex wanted to travel alone but I changed his mind", she flipped her hair proudly.

"Are we just going to be three? " Thelma questioned and looked at Alex. He was now sitting. He shrugged.

"Your silly sister said that she would invite some people" he replied blankly.

"It will be like a vacation. Just think about it. Alex will be renting a mansion. It will be real fun" Theresa chimed.

"But is meant to be business wise " Alex groaned. His brows were in a knot.

"Just go with my advice. Relax, have fun and a good idea would pop up" Theresa answered. She looked at Thelma, "He wants to start a new project on the land bit he doesn't have a good idea for it"

Thelma nodded, "Sir, when you are calm. Ideas might actually pop up"

"But why are we inviting your friends? " Alex asked Theresa. He eyed Theresa suspiciously.

"The more the merrier! Basic knowledge, dummy!"

"I am your boss! "

"For now!" she said under her breathe.

"What did you say? "

"None of your business, Xander" she spat out.

He sent daggars at her and was on his feet. "I got other things to do"

Theresa rolled her eyes at his departing figure. Thelma followed at his trail.

*I am glad Alex is still the same. It is as if he had forgotten about the kiss. He is still a jerk as usual. Sometimes he talks with sense but would be back to his jerk ways. I can deal with that *

Few days later, they were at the airport. Alex wore a black long sleeve short under a pair of grey slacks. One hand was dugged into his pocket while the other typed rapidly on his phone.

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