Chapter 42

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"I..." Theresa trailed off when Alex walked away.

"Didn't he just ask a question? He didn't even let me answer?"

"I don't know what to say," Don shrugged and stared at Alex who walked up to Ben.

"He is definitely a fool" Theresa frowned.

Alex groaned. He looked at Ben. "When do you think the rain would stop?" he asked him.

Ben scratched the stubbles at his jaw. "I don't know sir" he replied.

"Some people are dealing with cold. We don't want them falling sick" Alex added. He has an impassive look.

"Who is feeling cold?" Ben questioned.

Alex glanced at Theresa who had Don's arms around her.
"She is feeling cold" he said in a flat tone. "And I am feeling cold".

"The rain might stop soon" Ben insisted.

"We shall see!" Alex strode back to Thelma.

Thelma smiled at him. Alex sat beside her on a root and hugged his arm. The cold breeze wasn't friendly to him.

"Did you see Theresa?"

His brows knotted.

"Did you?" Thelma asked in panic.

"Yes," Alex muttered.

"How was she?"

"If you are so curious, go and find out yourself" he yelled.

Thelma yelped. "What's wrong?"

"Sorry about that! I am hungry!" he pouted. "I am also cold. When will this rain stop?"

Thelma smiled and wrapped her arm around Alex.

*Maybe he might like me more if I helped him*

She leaned close to him. "My warm body might be of help, right?"

Alex's eyes widened and he nodded. "It is actually helping though".

Five minutes later and the rain had reduced to a drizzle. They sprung to their feet and started to strode to a place safer and warmer than the tree.

Alex had carried Thelma since her leg still hurt. They were walking with no real destination. They didn't even know whether they were going the right way.

All of a sudden, a loud honk was heard. They turned to the direction and a van rode towards them. Kelvin popped his head out of the window and waved.

"Hey guys! How are you doing?" Kelvin teased.

They groaned at him and ran towards the van. Without any delay, they went in. They felt squashed inside like sardines but they cared less. They just wanted to get to the mansion.

They got back to the mansion safe and sound, had their bath in a hot tube, ate lunch and resumed to play.

"Let's play that game 'Would you Rather' " Caroline suggested.

They all agreed.

"Would you rather...." she was cut short by Alex's sneeze.

Thelma ran to his side and placed a hand on his forehead.

"You are running a temperature" Thelma stated. "Let me take you to your room".

Alex nodded and sneezed again. Thelma led him to his room, leaving the others silent.

"Okay! Let's continue" Caroline said to them.

"Sure" Kelvin exclaimed.

Don leaned towards Theresa. "Can we talk?" he whispered.

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