Chapter 21

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"Listen! I just said that we would go there together," he said. His voice reverberated with depth.

"What about your P.a?" she asked.

"Theresa, it's just a meeting that we are expected to attend. Besides Thelma has to monitor the things in the office" Alex snapped. His brows were knitted and the muscles at his arm flexed. He had spent minutes trying to convince Theresa on the importance of a meeting. The company that was holding the meeting was sited in New Jersey which was three hours and eight minutes drive away from New York. They were mandated to go, that is the ceo and his sale manager.

"I don't want to go with you. You will frustrate my life. With you as a co-worker is bad and now in just a car. That's worse!" she hissed.

She sat comfortably on her office chair. Alex however was standing at her front. His leg ached and he wished to walk away but he knew she had to come.

"I know it's bad. I even fear committing murder before we are back" Alex said in a matter-of-fact tone.


"Yeah! Don't you know you are annoying"


"Are you coming?"

"Well.... Since you have been begging... And also have been standing there for long" she shrugged. "I will think about it" she added.

"Aargh! How about just kill me? In fact, your opinion is not needed. We are leaving soon. Bye!" he yelled and stormed away.

*It's so fun to see him frustrated. Most especially when he furrows those perfectly arch brows of his. So love it! It's even thick. Wait!!!? What am l saying? How can I compliment him? What's wrong with me?*

The drive to the place was silent. So silent you could hear a pin drop. They had agreed not to speak to each other. It was a medium to avoid untimely death.

After the meeting, they got into the car. They were on their way home. The silence was eating deep into Theresa's flesh. She wanted her mouth to run freely. She wanted to yell at Alex's face that he was boring. A very boring person! He had not spoken to her at all and he seemed to love the silence.

She inhaled.

"Gosh!" she sighed, "I hate this silence. Alex, you are so boring".

Alex glared at her before turning to focus on the road.

"Yeah! You heard me well. How can someone in a three hours drive not talk for once? At least, even though it is a little sentence. But nooooo! A person like you can't. Which is lame! So boring and.... I am just lost of words to use".

"Wow! Theresa, thanks for the lecture "

"Oh, your welcome sweetheart"

"I see you are craving for fun. You will have it. Tighten your seatbelt," Alex said, laying emphasis on the last words. He tuned in to the radio. A fast rap music was playing, 'Go off' by Lil Uzi Vert, Quavo and Travis Scott.

To Theresa's surprise, Alex drove the car with high speed and the music came with a boom, flooding the car. 

It felt like the car had lifted from the ground and was flying through the air. She could tell it was her end. Her heart had lost that calm rhythmic pattern. It was racing just like the car. His car was like a racing car making it easy for him to increase its speed beyond measure.

Theresa screamed and gripped the dashboard. "Alex, stop!" she yelled. Without hesitating, she stirred the wheel and the car hit a tree. The airbags appeared at their faces.

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