Chapter 56

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The next day, Theresa and Don found themselves at Alex's doorstep. Theresa's knuckle drummed on the door. It was opened ajar and Robert popped his head out.

"Good Morning Robert!" she beamed.

"Oh! It is you!"


"I will go inform him that you are here!"


The door was shut. A minute later, Alex bounced out. His lustrous black hair was styled neatly in a comb over. He was wearing a white button down shirt under a blue jeans. White sneakers completed his casual look. He shut the door behind him and walked towards the pathway.

"Alex!" Theresa called. "Where are you going?"

"You want to talk, right?" he quirked a brow.

"Yes but..."

He cut in, "I want a cup of coffee!"

Theresa raised both brows at him.

"There is a nearby coffee bar. We can talk there" Alex stated and sauntered down the pathway.

"Let's go!" Theresa said to Don and strode towards Alex.

They got to the coffee bar and settled at a corner close to a big window. They could see the calm street through the large glass.

The waiter took their orders and later, presented it to them. He dropped Don's coffee at his front and an unknown expression flickered on his face. He looked at Theresa and his gaze lasted for a long time.

"Why are you staring at my girlfriend?" Don fumed.

"Sorry, sir!" the waiter bowed and left.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" Alex questioned. He sipped from his cup of coffee and tilted his head to get a good view of Theresa. "Is there something you want to snatch from me? You can take the house!"

"I don't want to snatch anything from you!" Theresa snapped.

"Then why are we here?"

"I'm sorry!"

"Huh?" Alex's brow flew up.

"I want to apologize! I am really sorry about what I did!"

"Oh! I see" he chuckled. "You are apologizing!"


"I don't want your apology! The deed has been done. I know your true colours. I know what kind of woman you are. You can't change that by saying sorry!"

"It was all a misunderstanding! I thought your father had killed..."

Alex rose his hand and shook his index finger. "Never mention my father. He didn't do anything to you!" he sneered.

"I know! I just found out now!" Theresa breathed. "My dad lied to me and..."

"Theresa, did you call me here to tell me stories?" Alex deadpanned.

"No! I wanted to tell you the truth. I am sorry about what I did. I was misled"

"I don't care! You and your sister are traitors! That's all I know!" he clenched his fists and spoke through gritted teeth.

"I know you are angry but please listen to me!"

"I am not angry. I am extremely angry, Theresa!"

"Alex, please!"

"No!" he slammed his hands on the table. "I think I have heard enough. I am leaving!"

"Wait!" Theresa exclaimed. "What about your company?"

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