Chapter 67

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"OMG! I am so happy for you. You are Oscar's fiancee. Geez! So lucky. You guys make a perfect couple," Theresa exclaimed and hugged Thelma. She glanced at the ring and gushed, "Your engagement ring is so beautiful. It looks so gorgeous in your finger".

"Thanks!" Thelma smiled. "I love the ring. It's so unique. Oscar told me it was designed for only me. I can't wait to be his wife"

"Oscar really loves you. I wish you a blissful marriage," Theresa whispered in a soft voice. "I want you to be happy forever".

"You're the best sister in the world. Thanks" Thelma squeaked and hugged her.

"Resa," a deep voice called out.

"Yeah?" she swung her gaze to Alex.

"Aren't we going to the dance? We called everyone to see us dance, right?" Alex grumbled and scrunched his face.

Theresa snickered and placed her hand on his arm. "Let's change to our costume," she replied. She had pleaded with him that she wanted Thelma, Oscar, Ursula and Kelvin to witness them dance. He rejected at first but she was able to convince him.

In the dance studio, they changed into their costume and arrived at the center of the room.

"I'm...I'm nervous. Theresa, how did I let you make me do this?" he groaned and rubbed his forehead.

"You needed some spice in your life. You're a workaholic, you know" she whispered and let out peals of laughter.

"I...I'm kinda.."

"Kind of what?"

"Nervous!" he huffed and shut his eyes. "I know I sound stupid".

"No, you don't! I understand how you feel. Don't worry" she placed her palm below his chin. "Just look at my eyes and imagine that we are the only ones in the room".

Alex glanced at their friends that were sitting at the corner of the room. "I don't think I can do that," he sneered and furrowed his brows.

"Calm down! I want you to feel relaxed and enjoy the music. This whole thing is for fun. We are not in a dancing competition," she whispered.

"Okay!" he sighed and gave signal for Mr Finn to play the music. Theresa and Alex's eyes locked and a smile crept into their faces. They danced to the music. They did different moves from jumping, swinging, spinning to swaying. The music ended and they stopped with Theresa's legs wrapped around his waist and her arms on his shoulder. They were panting as they stared at each other.

Oscar, Kelvin, Ursula and Thelma applauded and gave thumbs up.

"Kiss!" Thelma's voice echoed.

Theresa scanned Alex's expression. It was blank so she decided she won't kiss him if he didn't want to.

"Guys!" Theresa untangled from Alex and strolled to them. "How was the dance?" she questioned, hoping to change the topic.

"Theresa, why did you disappoint us?" Kelvin muttered and glared at her. "Why didn't you kiss your boyfriend?"

"Do I have to?"

"Yes!" Thelma answered. "It would have been romantic and sweet. You guys danced so well".

"You wanted to see us kiss?" Theresa asked and chuckled.

They all laughed and began to chat. Theresa noticed Alex wasn't among them. She went into the changing room and looked around.

"Alex?" she whispered as she searched around.

"Yes, baby!" he voiced and walked out of a smaller room. His hair was wet and his bare chest glimmered due to water droplet.

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