Chapter 61

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Hey guys, is the new book cover okay? Is it nice? Beautiful?

Thelma averted her gaze from Alex and cleared her throat. "Um...You are shirtless!" she pointed out.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "I will go have my shower! Have you eaten breakfast?"

"No!" she replied. She had rushed there with an empty stomach.

"We can eat breakfast together. It's just 10am!" he strolled towards her. "I will take you to the dining hall".

She nodded and followed him. They got to the dining hall and he instructed his cook to prepare breakfast. When he left to have his shower, she took her time to explore the place a little. She returned to the dining hall and met Alex there. The cook set the table and they settled to eat.

"Thelma," Alex called.


"You said you had something important to tell me!"

"Yes, I do!"

"What is it? You can tell me now!"

Her eyes dropped to the toast on her plate. She quickly picked her cup of tea and sipped it. She glanced at him and his curious gaze fell on her. "Hmm....Well...Err..." she trailed off.

How should I start, she wondered.



His phone rang and the awkward state between them was interrupted. He picked it, stared at the caller ID and smirked.

"What do you want?" he groaned when he answered the call.

Someone said something on the line and she saw him stifle his laughter.

Who could be making him laugh?

She cocked a brow and stared at him.

"Theresa Logan, you have forty-eight hours to give me my company. If you delay, I will get the court involved. You know that it is a crime, right? More like fraud" He grumbled and smirked. "A woman like you won't want to be in jail, would she?"

He burst into a raucous laughter when he heard her reply.

"You have forty-eight hours! Good bye" he sneered. He turned his gaze to Thelma. "Sorry about that".

Thelma sent a tight smile and bobbed her head.

He was talking to Theresa and he seemed happy. That's strange.

"So what did you want to tell me?"

Courage! Courage! I can do this. Just tell him.

"Alex," she rose to her feet and made her way towards him. He was at the other edge of the long table. "I have something to share with you".

Alex studied her with piercing scrutiny. Thelma drew in a long breathe and exclaimed, "I love you!" She shut her eyes as soon as the word left her mouth. When there was no reply, she opened her eyes. Alex was staring at her with a blank expression. "I have always liked you in high school. I had a big crush on you. When we met again, my feelings grew stronger!"

Alex blinked his eyes and rubbed his hand on his neck. "Thank you for telling me! I...I do appreciate your bravery. I care about you too, but I need some time to decide if my feelings are as strong as yours".

"Oh! Um..." she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and bounced on her heels. "How me now?, do you have feelings for me? I want to know".

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