Part 6

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My first day at work came faster than I expected. A knock on my door woke me up today. I get up from the bed and I go to open the door "Hi baby" Jensen says and pecks my lips. "Ready for your first day?" "I don't know, I'm nervous" "It's going to be great, don't worry" he says and pecks my lips again. "Go get dressed, I'll be waiting here" he says and sits on the couch. I get changed from my pajamas and we leave together.

Cliff was already waiting for us but Jared and Misha too. "Look who decided to join the party" Jared says "Shut up" I say still kinda sleepy. "Not a morning person" Jensen whispers but I heard him. He sits next to me and I lean on his shoulder.

"Wake up baby, we are here" I hear and I rub my eyes. I get out from the car and the rest of them does too. "Let's go show you the make up trailer" Jensen says and I nod. We walk there together "(Y/N), this is Trishy and this Frida and they are doing your make up and this is Tessa which is doing hair" "Nice to meet you all" I say and we shake hands. "I'm going to bring you some coffee and breakfast and I'll be back" he says and kisses my cheek before he leaves. "Wow, he really likes you" Trishy says "Yes, he does" Frida says "Come here sweetheart" she says and I walk and sit on the chair in front of her.

"I'm back" Jensen says as he comes in the make up trailer. He hands me a coffee and a cupcake. "Thanks. I'm going to eat this later" I say putting the cupcake down "No, you are going to eat it now because you didn't have any breakfast" "Fine. Go sit in your chair now" I say and I smile. "What's your first scene?" Trishy asks as she puts make up on Jensen "First scene is after sex scene and second scene is making out but with dialogue after that" Jensen says "Yeah, I'm actually here to be kissing him" I say and he chuckles "Like you don't want to" he says and I roll my eyes.

After make up and hair, Jensen walked me to the dress room and when we picked up our outfits, he lead me to my trailer. "I'll come back to take you when I get dressed" he says "Ok" I say and I kiss him. They told me that I have to wear this underwear, a bra and nipple covers to the after sex scene and a pair of black jeans, a white tank top paired with a gold long necklace that was falling between my breasts and a black leather jacket on top for the next two scenes.

I wore the underwear, the nipple covers and the bra. I cover myself with a robe that they gave me and I get out of my trailer. Jensen is waiting for me right outside. "Ready?" "Yeah" I say and I take his hand. We arrive at set on time and the director explains how he wants the scene to be.

The camera starts from Dean's back and follows him as he collapses next to me. I take the robe off and they take it away. I, also, take my bra off, which they place it next to the bed so I can reach it later, and I lay on the bed covering myself with the blanket. Jensen takes off his t-shirt and lays next to me. "Get to your marks" the director calls. Jensen climbs on top of me being careful not to crash me. Our faces are a few inches away "You know, I would like it more if we weren't doing this here" he says and I laugh. "Shut up and let's get done with it. And if we are done early, we might do this somewhere else" I say and he smiles and pecks my lips.

"Action" the director yells and Jensen collapses next to me. We both breath heavily "Ok, wow" I say between my breaths "Yeah" he says. "I should probably get going" I say and I sit up holding the blanket on my chest. "Where are you going?" he asks and pulls me back "Crowley wants me for something baby" I say and I peck his lips. I turn my back to the camera and I pretend to put on my underwear and I put on my bra. I get up from the bed and I turn to him again "You know that you can just not go and come back to me" he says "I'm sorry, I can't do that. He is the King of Hell and I'm just a demon. The only reason that he knows me is because of you baby" I say as I put on his shirt "Yes but--" I interrupt him with a kiss. "I'll see you later" I say and I walk out of the room.

"Cut" the director yells. I get in the room again "It was great guys. One or two more times and I think that we have it" he says and I get back to my first position, under Jensen.

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