Part 39

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We waited until my first trimester was completed to tell our families. And it ended tomorrow, so we invited them for dinner today. My belly was already growing due to not, only one, but two babies were growing inside.

Jensen and I bought two baby bodysuits that we planned on showing to them later. The one said "I'm mommy and daddy's little miracle" and the other one said "And I'm the surprise". I was looking at them when Jensen came in the room "Hey, everything ok?" he asks me "Yeah, everything is great" I say and I walk to him. He kisses me "I love you" he says "I love you too". "Your mom and brother are here" he says "Let's go downstairs then" I say and he nods.

Jensen's parents and siblings came a little later and we all sat on the table. After we had dinner, the boys sat on the living room while we were doing the dishes and preparing the dessert. I was cutting the pie and Mackenzie was delivering them to the living room.

We got our pieces and we sat on the living room too. I sat next to Jensen who wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. "So, when are you leaving?" my mom asks "Tomorrow" I say "Both of you?" "Yeah, I have a week to read the script and figure out how I want the episode and Jensen has filming to do" I say and she nods. "Babe, maybe...?" Jensen says "Yeah, I'll be right back" I say and I go upstairs.

I fold the bodysuits and I go downstairs. They were talking about something when I went back downstairs. I sat to my seat again and I showed the folded clothes to Jensen. He smiled at me "What is that?" his mom asks "See for yourself" I say and I hand her the first piece, hiding the second. She unfolds it and immediately realised what it meant.

After the hugs and congratulations, I decided to show them the second one. "It's gets better" I say and I hand my mom the second "Twins?" she asks and I nod "Oh my God" she says and hugs me.

The next day, we flew to Vancouver and I stayed home while Jensen was working and I was reading the script for my episode. Time pasted really fast and Jensen was back. "Hey, still reading?" he says "Yeah. Seems like you'll have two or three days off out of eight" "But you will be working so I promise to be your personal assistant" "You don't have to" "Ok. Seems like you don't want someone to bring you coffee or food or whatever you need during filming" "You know what? I changed my mind" "I knew it" he says and kisses me.

"Can I tell you my plan? I need a second opinion" I ask "Sure" "Ok. For Monday, we'll shoot scenes 3, 4, 15 and 20. For Tuesday, you are free and we are shooting the scenes from the Apocalypse world, scense 1,2,6 and 9. Then, for Wednesday, I have the scenes with you, Jared and David in the bunker, scenes 14, 16, 21 and 23. Thursday, we have the outside the set scenes 7, 8, 12, 13 with you and Jared. Friday, we have the outside scenes with Pellegrino and Misha, scenes 10, 17, 18. And you have the day off again. Monday, there are the scenes in hell, scenes 5, 11, 32 and 33. Again day off for you. Tuesday, I have Misha and Pellegrino in the bar, scenes 19, 25 and 26. That day, you and Jared will practice on the fight scene that is programmed for Wednesday with scenes 27, 28, 29 and 30. What do you think?" "I think that it's great" he says and kisses me.

And just like that, it was time for the first shooting day. "Ready director?" Jared asks me "I think so" "You're gonna do great" "Only if you know your lines. And it's a really good thing that you and Misha have only one scene together in this episode" "No, it's not. But I'll manage to break David. Or I'll ruin my own close up" he says and I chuckle.

Today it's going to be an easy day. I hope. Only Jensen, Misha and Jared are needed on set today because we are doing all the bunker-library scenes today. The first scene will be the only scene with the three of them so the hard part will be over soon.

 The first scene will be the only scene with the three of them so the hard part will be over soon

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"Tired?" Jensen asks me "Yes. Thank to you and your friend" I say and he chuckles. "I'll go have a shower and I'll go to sleep" I say and he nods.

I lay on the bed and Jensen is already there. "My feet are killing me. Please try to convince Jared to be serious for an episode" "I'll try" he says and kisses me.

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