Part 44

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Gen and I get to the car. Gen sits on the driver's seat and I sit next. "How is new mommy doing?" she asks me "Running all the time. But fortunately she has a husband that is trying his best to let her get some rest. He is amazing Gen" "I can see that. Don't worry, they'll be fine" she says and I nod. "You know, this is the first time that I get out of the house after the babies" I say "I know. That's why Jensen let me plan it in order to be perfect" she says and I chuckle.

I open my bag and I take my phone out. I notice a little envelope inside. I open it and it has Jensen's credit card and a letter

"Get whatever you want.
Love you ♡"

I smile and I place it back inside. I text Jensen if everything is ok and he replies almost immediately that everything is fine, they are both asleep.

"So, what's the plans for today?" I ask "First spa, then shopping and a surprise for last" "Surprise?" "Oh yes" "Ok".

We went to the spa and it's time for our massage. I laid down and a lady came in. "Oh honey, you are so stressed. Why is that?" she asks "Kids" I say and she chuckles "How old?" "One month old, both of them" "Don't worry. It gets worse" "I don't think so" "It will, trust me. When they are going to be teenagers, oh boy, that's the hard part. And then you are gonna think back and realise that this was heaven. Enjoy it while you can" "I'll try".

After spa we went shopping. I got clothes for me and the kids because they are throwing up almost all the time and we are barely on time to clean them. "Where are we going now?" I ask Gen "You'll see" she says and I nod.

She pulled the car in my driveway. We got our things and we walked to the house. I opened the door and the house was full of candles. Jensen was standing im the kitchen, purring champagne in two glasses. "Hey" he says and walks to me. He pecks my lips and takes the bags from my hands. "One minute Gen" he says and she nods. He goes upstairs and comes down caring Alex and Jo. He puts them on the stroller and Gen takes them. "What?" I ask "Have fun" Gen whispers to me and leaves.

"Had fun today?" he asks "Yeah, Jay what's all this for?" I ask as he hands me a glass with champagne. "It's for you" he says and kisses me. "I love you" he says and kisses me again "I love you too" I say and I kiss him. "Sorry for the outfit, I was planning on changing but I Jo didn't want me to" he says and I chuckle "It's fine. You look great even in sweatpants" I say and I kiss him again.

"To our beautiful family" he says and lifts his glass "To our beautiful family" I repeat and we take a sip. I let my glass down and I hug him. He hugs me back and rubs my back. "Have you ever thought that it can get worse?" I ask him "It probably can. I think the harder time is going to be when Jo starts dating" he says and I chuckle. "She is a daddy's girl, she won't forget you, don't worry" I say and he chuckles.

"How about we go to our bed?" I ask "Sure, let's go sleep while we can" "I wasn't talking about sleep" I say and he smiles. He leans and kisses me. He pulls me closer and deepens the kiss. I jump on him and he carries me upstairs without breaking the kiss for a second.

Jensen collapses next to me and we are both breathing heavy. "I missed you" I say and I kiss him "Me too" "We should definitely give Gen and Jared a date night too" "Can we handle five kids at once?" "Why not? I think the boys are old enough to sleep through the night" "You're right" "I'm always right" I say and I kiss him.

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