Part 15

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As soon as we got off stage, we started kissing. He pulls away "I missed you" he says and continues kissing me "I missed you too. That's why I came. We can leave for Vancouver together tomorrow" "Yes, what do you want to do today?" "I wanted to go and talk to my parents" "Are you sure? Because last time--" "Yes I am sure" "Ok, but I can't leave yet" "It's ok" I say and I kiss him again.

I left and I headed to my parents house. I knocked the door and my mom opened "Hi baby" she says and hugs me "Hi mom. Is dad home?" "Yes, he is. Come in" she says and I do. "Harry, (Y/N) is here" she yells as I sit on the couch "He won't come" I say "Then I'll make him come" she says and walks to her room.

After a couple of minutes, they both come in. My dad sits on the other couch and my mom does too. "I'm getting married" I say in a happy tone and showing my hand. "Oh my God" my mom says and comes next to me "I totally forgot to call you, Tom said that he saw it on Instagram or something. How did he do it?" she says "On our trip to Mykonos, our last day there, during sunset and in front of the pool and having a view at the sea. It was magical" "And when is the wedding?" "That's why I came" I say and I hand them their invitation.

"Harry, we need to go shopping" she says "No, we don't" he says "Because I'm not going anywhere" he continues and gets up from the couch "Our daughter is getting married" she asks "I don't know her anymore Rose. I have no idea how she is. She is not our (Y/N)" he says "What are you talking about?" "(Y/N) would never go on a such an expensive trip. She would save the money like I taught her to. And she would never become an actress because she knows that they are just useless" "Stop" I yell "Stop. You said that I would save money and what do you think I would make with them? I would have been traveling. And as it is for acting, do you have any idea how it feels like to be excited to go to work because you love what you do and you work with people that are technically your second family? And it's not easy to find a set like that".

"Oh, yeah. Tell me now that you get tired" "After 10 hours of work? Yeah, I do get tired but when I see the faces of the people that helped me get where I am, I forget everything. Or when I go home and find Jensen waiting for me with food that he cooked because he knew that I was going to be tired when I would be back" "And if he loves you so much, where is he now?" "He is with them. He is with the people that support us because they deserve it. Come and see for yourself" "No thanks" he says and leaves the room.

"I'm sorry, he--" "It's fine mom. I better be going" I say and I start walking to the door. "I'll try to convince him but I will for sure be there" "Thank you" I say and I hug her "I love you mom" "I love you too baby". I pull away and I open the door "Bye baby" "Bye mom" I say and with that I leave.

I got back to the convention center and I went to the green room to find Jensen. But he wasn't there "Hey, where is Jensen?" I ask Kim "They are doing autographs" she says and I go to find him. I went from the back where the actors entered and the guards recognised me an let me in. I walk to Jensen and I crouch next to him "Hey, how did it go?" he asks as he sees me "Can I have your key?" I ask trying to avoid his question "He hasn't changed his mind, has he?" "Jensen, the key. Please" I say and he hands me his room card "We'll talk about it, ok?" he says and I nod.

He came to the room after about 30 minutes "Now, tell me" he says "He won't come to the wedding. And he is still thinks that I don't do something that is actually work and I wouldn't be proud of it. But like I did last time, I won't let him destroy this for me" I say and I smile. He smiles too "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say and I kiss him. "Hey, does Mackenzie *his sister* want to be a bridesmaid?" I ask "I don't know, I'll call her later" "Ok" I say and I smile.

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