Part 52

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I spent the night in the guests' room thinking about what should I do. But I haven't decided yet and it's already morning. I dump the papers and my rings on the bed and I go to get dressed. I was as quiet as I could in order not to wake Jensen "Good morning" he says "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" "It's fine" he says and I nod. "Let's get you to the bathroom and then I'm gonna head out with the kids to go to the grocery store" I say and he nods.

I placed the twins in their car seats and then I put their stroller in the car. When we arrived at the store, I put them in their stroller and we were finally ready to go get the work done. During the all the time that we were out of the house the only thing I was thinking was the divorce.

After I paid and placed all the bags on the stroller we were finally going back home. I placed the groceries in the car, then the twins and I was struggling to fold the stroller in order to place it in the truck. "Crap" I curse under my breath.

"Here, let me help" a guy says and I turn to look at him. He has brown short hair and blue eyes. He is, also, tall and muscled. He takes the stroller and manages to fold it. "Thank you" I say and I smile "Your welcome. I'm Nick by the way" he says and offers me his hand "(Y/N)" I say and I shake it. I have to say that he is really cute. "Twins huh?" he asks "Yeah" "Well, good thing that I'm a pediatrician then. Here is my card with my number" he says as he hands it to me "Give me a call if something happens... Or not" he says and smiles. "That's really nice of you but I'm married" "Sorry, I didn't see rings. But let's get a coffee just as friends" he says but I don't answer "I'll be waiting" he says and walks away.

I get in the car and I look at his card. Should I keep it? Alex starts crying and I snap out of my thoughts. "We are going home buddy. Stay calm" I say and I start the engine.

We go back home and after placing the twins to their swings, I go to check on Jensen. "Hi, we are back. Do you need anything?" "No, thanks" he says and I nod. "Did something happened?" he asks "Why are you asking?" "You seem happier and not as confused as you looked in the morning" he says hoping to hear that I have made a decision. "I just realised that I might have more... options" "Meaning?" "Nothing, forget it" I say and I open the door. "Hey, can we talk?" he says "I'm listening" "Danneel is having an ultrasound appointment tomorrow" "You want to go?" "It's not that. I just wanted you to know" he says and I nod before I leave the room.

Tears are threatening to fall but I manage to hold them back. I take my phone and Nick's card out of my pocket. I diall his number and  I go downstairs. "Dr. Jackson, how can I help you?" "Hi. It's (Y/N)" "Oh hi. Did you think about my offer?" "Yes actually. How about today afternoon? Are you free?" "I am. Does five work out for you?" "Yeah" "I'll see you at five in the place we met then" "Ok, see you then" "See you" and with that I hung up.

At 4:30 I went to the room again. "Hey, I left the kids to Gen and Jared. I have a doctor's appointment" "Ok" "If you need anything call" I say and I leave.

Nick was already waiting for me there and we started walking to a coffee shop nearby. We ordered our drinks and we sat down. "Well, what made you change your mind and call?" he asks "I thought about it again" "And I'm glad you did. How are the kids? With their dad?" "No. They are with their Aunt" "I thought you were married" "My husband and I are in the middle of a divorce. That's why I don't wear any ring" "I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring this up" "No, it's fine. It is a decision that we both agreed on" I say and he nods.

We were walking back to the parking lot of the grocery store in order to get our ways back home. "I had a really good time today" he says "Me too" I say and I look at him. He stops and looks at me "I would love to see you again" he says and brings his hand to my cheek. He leans closer until his lips are finally on mines.

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