Part 37

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We flied to Vancouver that day and today Jensen is working. I wake up and I prepare breakfast. I placed on a tray pancakes, eggs, bacon, croissants, two cups of coffee and a glass of orange juice. I went to the bedroom and I placed it on the night stand. I peck Jensen's lips and I run my fingers through his messy hair. He opens his eyes and smiles at me. "Good morning" I say and I smile "Good morning" he says and kisses me.

"I made breakfast" I say trying to pull away from the kiss but he doesn't really want to let me go "I want you for breakfast" he says and I chuckle "I mean real breakfast" I say and I get up from the bed. I take the tray and I place it on the bed. "Wow, you made plenty of breakfast" he says "Yeah, I wanted to retry to surprise you because last time didn't go as planned" "What can I say? You are too beautiful and I'm worried that you are too good for me" he says and I scoff "Yeah right".

"You drink the juice and I'll drink just coffee" he says "No, you will drink the juice. It's your first day back from the spring break" "You need the vitamins more than I do" "Fine, but if you are going to act like than when I get pregnant, I will kick you out of the house" I say and I take a sip. I look at him and he is looking at me with a kinda creepy smile on his face "What?" I ask "Nothing, it's just that it's the first time that you are that positive about this subject" "I just thought that there is no use for anyone to be grumpy" "I love you" he says and kisses me.

We went on set together and the crew had planned a surprise for me. Jensen was probably incharge of this. I really missed this place. "Hey babe, I'm needed on set. What to come with?" Jensen asks me "Sure" I say and we walk there.

I was sitting on Jensen's cast chair while filming. During the break I received an email from 'The Flash' set. "Hey look" I say to Jensen showing him my phone "What do you say?" I ask "If you feel ready to go back to work, then why not?" "I'll go call them right now" I say and I get up from my seat. I kiss Jensen and I go outside to make the call.

I go back on set to find Jensen "How did it go?" he asks me "I'll go there right now to discuss some details" "Want me to get Cliff to drive you there?" "Sure" "What's up?" Jared asks "You will find out later, I have to go now" I say and I hug him "See you boys" I say as I walk away.

I went to the flash set and we discussed about my role. After that they showed me around and the set and trailers were very similar to the Supernatural ones. I met Grant, Candice and Danielle who were on set. They all seemed really nice. They offered me to stay there for the day in order to see how they work and it seemed a good idea to me.

After they wrapped for the day, I went back to my apartment. Jensen was already there. "Meet Tracy Brand" I say as I jump on the couch next to him. "Congratulations" he says and kisses me. "When are you starting?" "Next week. I'll be on episode 20, 21, 22 and 23 of season 3 and there is a possibility of being needed next season too for an episode or two" "Great. That means that you are staying more" "Yes" I say and I kiss him.

"I wanted to thank you for being there for me, even when I didn't want you to" I say "Don't say that--" "Stop. Let me finish" I say and he nods "I love you Jay. And I want you to know that I'm here for you too. You've done so much for me and now it's my turn. I want you to know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me and you are the one that keep me going. The one who reminds me to always keep fighting. Because after the every storm, there is a rainbow and that rainbow for me it's you. Please, don't ever leave me Jay" "I won't. I don't want to" he says and kisses me. We pull away from the kiss and I hug him "I love you too much to leave you (Y/N)" he whispers next to my ear.

"Want to call Jared and Misha to celebrate?" he asks as we pull away "Sure" "Ok, I'm gonna call them and them order pizza" "Ok, I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll be right back" I say and I peck his lips before I go to the bathroom.

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