Part 35

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I run out of the house and I have no idea where I'm going. I just want to be alone.

After about an hour of walking, I was too distracted thinking about Jensen to pay attention to where I was going. I, suddenly, bump on something hard and looking up, I see Jared. "(Y/N)? Where have you been? We are looking for you an hour now" he says "Sorry, I just needed to take some air" I say and I walk past him.

"Hey, is everything ok? Weren't you supposed to be with Jensen?" he asks and I stop walking. I turn around to face him "I was planning on doing that but... It's better if you ask him" "And were are you going now?" "I have no idea" "Come with me" "No, I'm fine" "Come on (Y/N)" "No, I said I'm fine" "Please. Or I'm going to call Jensen to come and take you back home" "Fine" I say and I follow him to his house.

As soon as I walked in the house, Gen run to me and hugged me. "I got so worried. What happened with Jensen?" she says "He thought that I was cheating on him. That's why I wanted him out of the house, or at least that's what he said" I say "Really?" "Yeah. And if I see him right now, I'm going to kill him" "Ok then, you are not going back home. You are staying here at least for tonight. I can bring you something comfortable to wear" "Thanks" I say and she goes to bring me some clothes.

"Aunt (Y/N)" Tom yells running down the stairs "Hey Tom" I say and I pick him up "Are you staying here for tonight?" he asks "Yeah, I think so" "Sleepover" he says and kisses my cheek. I let him on the floor and he runs upstairs again.

"(Y/N), can I talk to you?" Jared asks me "Sure" I say and I sit next to him on the couch "I'm sure that Jensen didn't mean to hurt you. It's just that he has been betrayed before. His ex girlfriend, Danneel, she was cheating on him after two years of being together" "But I'm not her Jared. I'm not that person and he should know that by now" I say and get up "Oh, and when you call him, because I'm pretty sure that you already did and probably will again, tell him that I don't want to talk to him" I walk upstairs to find Gen and, after changing, I went straight to bed.

But I couldn't sleep. It's 2 am and I really can't get my mind off Jensen. I get up from the bed and I go to the kitchen. I open the fridge and I grab a beer. I walk back to my room and I open the window from where I could see Jensen sitting outside of the house. He was sitting next to the pool and I'm pretty sure that he has a bottle of Whiskey next to him.

After a little while, he lifts his head up and I immediately close the window and sit on the floor. Tears are streaming down my cheeks and I can't stop them. Why the hell am I crying anyways? I keep him away. He isn't trusting me. This is his fault.

The next morning, I got up early again. Not that I really slept all night. "Good morning" I say as I walk down the stairs. Jared, Gen, Tom and Shep were having breakfast all together. "Good morning" they say all at the same time which made me chuckle. "Come and eat something" Gen says "No, I'm fine. Thanks" I say and I smile.

"Ok boys, it's time to go" Jared says. The boys get up from the table and after saying goodbye to their mom, they leave for school. It's so cute and, it might be due to the hormones, my eyes get watery. "I'll be upstairs" I say to Gen and I run to the guest's room.

I need to leave from here. I don't want to be a weight to Gen and Jared. I undress from Gen's pajamas and I wear the dress from last night again. "Where are you going?" Gen asks me "I'm going home to pack some of my things, hoping that Jensen won't notice me, and then I am thinking of traveling to Vegas" "Be careful" "I will" I say and I leave.

I walk to the door and I remember that I haven't gotten neither my phone or keys with me last night. Crap. I knock the door and then the doorbell. Jensen opens the door and opens his mouth to talk bit I walk past him.

I go to my room and I take my luggage out of the closet. "What are you doing?" he asks "I'm going on a trip by myself" I say without getting distracted from packing clothes "Your mom?" "No" "(Y/N), look at me" he says and I turn to look at him. "Look, the fact that I'm here doesn't mean that I'm ok with what happened yesterday. So let me finish my job" I yell at him and he gets out of the room.

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