Part 19

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"Hi everyone, I wanted to say a few words about (Y/N) and Jensen" Jared says taking everyone's attention "Oh no" Jensen and I say at the same time. "First of all, I have to say that those two have disgusted me for a long time because they were allover eachother all the time. They didn't want to stay away for a second. But I don't care anymore. My best friend found a woman that can bear him. I'm glad that I had the opportunity to see him fall for her, and to watch them as they fall in love more and more each and every day. I have to admit that it was fun watching (Y/N) scared when Jensen was doing stunts despite the fact that she knew that nothing bad would happen. Or Jensen get jealous when she was doing kissing scenes even if she didn't mean them. And we are gathered here today on this joyous occasion to celebrate the special love that (Y/N) and Jensen share.

*Please watch the video😂*

It is a love based on giving and receiving..." "Oh no" Jensen says and chuckles " well as having and sharing and the love that they give and have is shared and received" "It's beautiful" Jensen says joking "And through having and giving... and sharing and receiving, we too can share and love and have... and receive" "You are doing great" Jensen says again but I can't stop laughing. "A quote from the great Joey Tribbiani" he says and sits down.

I go to him and I hug him "You are stupid" I say and he laughs. And Jensen comes too "Thanks man" he says and hugs him too. "Hey, I'm gonna find Gen and go get changed because I'm hot" I say "Yes, you are" Jensen says. I peck his lips "I'll be back" and with that I walk to Gen who was sitting on our table. "Gen, where is the bag?" I ask her "I have it in the car. Stay here and I'll bring it in a minute. Tom, Shep go find dad" she says and they nod. I smile as I see them run to Jared and hug him and Jensen.

"I bet you want that too" Donna says "I do. And he does too" I say and I look back at Jensen who is playing with Tom. "(Y/N) are you pregnant?" she asks "What?" "You are rubbing your belly as you watch him" she says and at that moment I realised that she is right. I put my hand on my belly and I haven't noticed it. "I am" I say and she hugs me "When? Does Jensen knows?" "I found out this morning and yes, he knows" I say and I see Mackenzie coming "Hi" she says "Hi" I say and I hug her "Mom, is everything ok?" she asks. Donna looks at me and I nod "(Y/N) is pregnant" she says and Mackenzie almost screams. "Hey, what are my girls talking about?" Jensen asks as he walks to us "About you and (Y/N)... and a third person that may come later this year" Mack says and he looks at me "Your mom got it on her own. I didn't say anything" I say and he chuckles.

Gen comes carrying a bag "Shall we?" she says and I nod. "I'll be right back" I say to them and I walk away with Gen. "I got you some sandals of my own because I thought that these shoes must be killing you right now" she says "You have no idea". We go to the bathroom and she helps me get changed.
My new outfit:

We walk outside again

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We walk outside again. "You are beautiful" Jensen says and pecks my lips "I love you" I say and I peck his lips "I love you too" he says and kisses me slow and passionate.

"I'm so glad I got drunk that night" I say "I'm so glad you got drunk that night" he says and I chuckle. He leans and kisses me again. "I need to ask you something" I say "I'm listening" "Do you really get jealous when I'm having a kissing scene?" "Maybe" he says and smiles. "Do you really get worried when I'm doing stunts?" "Why do you think I'm there even if I don't have scenes?" I say and he kisses me.

"So, where are we going?" I ask him as we board on the plane "Are you ready for Bora Bora babe?" "No way. Are you serious?" "I am" "Oh my God, I love you so much" I say and I kiss him "You better" he says and I chuckle.

When we arrived at our hotel and walked to our room, Jensen closed my eyes before opening the door. "Ok, now open your eyes" he says and I do. "So, what do you think?" he asks

"Wow" "Yeah, that's what I thought" he says and kisses me

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"Wow" "Yeah, that's what I thought" he says and kisses me. "Thank you, for everything" I say and I kiss him "Anytime baby. Everything for my perfect wife" he says and I smile into the next kiss.

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