Part 20

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I was laying on Jensen's shoulder before Jared woke me up by talking. I open my eyes and I sit up straight. "Hey, did you get some rest?" Jensen asks me "A little" I say as I yawn. "Are you sure you want to go on stage?" he asks and I nod. "Ok" he says and pecks my lips. "Misha is doing his solo panel right now and the three of us are next" he says "Ok. I'm going to the bathroom to fix my mess" I say showing my face and I get up "You are perfect" he says and pecks my lips.

I fixed my make up, hair and clothes

and I went back to the green room just in time for our panel

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and I went back to the green room just in time for our panel. "Ready?" Jared asks me "Yeah, let's go" I say and I follow them. Halfway, I stopped walking and I put a hand on my stomach. I closed my eyes and I sat there for a few seconds "Hey, hey (Y/N) everything ok?" Jensen asks and I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. I got a little nauseous but I'm fine. Let's go" I say "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes, I do" I say and he nods. "Everything ok?" Jared asks "Yeah, just some morning sickness" "You still have?" he asks "Yes but I'm fine, let's go guys" I say and we start walking again.

Jared says that he wants to introduce us, so he went on the stage first. "Welcome, for the first time on the JIB stage, Mr and Mrs Ackles" he says and we walk on stage. There are screams from the audience and we wave at them. "Hi guys" I say "I swear that just a minute ago she was ready to pass out because she was exhausted" Jensen says and I chuckle "Yeah, excuse those two if they look tired because they just got back from their honeymoon" Jared says and there are screams from the crowd again. "Thanks Jar" I say ironically "Your welcome" he says and I chuckle.

"Hi, my name is Lauren" a girl says "Hi" the three of us say at the same time "I'm Jared" Jared says "I know" Lauren says "That's Jensen and that's (Y/N)" he continues "I know" she says again and laughs "Ask your question because he can do this all day" I say. "Ok. At the second to last episode of the season we saw Maggie being sent back to hell by Lucifer and I was wondering, are you mad Jared that they didn't let you kill her?" she asks "Yes" Jared says "Yeah, I actually gave him permission to do it so we are equally" Jensen says and I chuckle.

"Don't laugh because your first scene is with me so I'm making it hell for you" he says and Jensen and I look at him while the audience screams. "What?" Jared asks and looks at us. "They are not supposed to know that" I say off mic and I start laughing. "She is just in Sam's memories" I say trying to cover his mess but it doesn't really work.

"Jay was right, you can't keep a secret" I say "Why? And what secret?" he asks. I move to him and I whisper in his ear what Jensen told me on the party. He starts laughing and I go back to my seat "I wouldn't anyway, I think" he says.

Our panel is done and it's time for Jensen's solo. "I'll see you soon" he says and pecks my lips. I sat in the green room and watched him from there. He takes a water gun that he found and goes on stage. Jared and I had bought a giant unicorn that someone will place it on stage with him. He gets so mad at unicorns and I can't help it but laugh.

*Watch the video*

"This is what nightmares are made of" he says looking at the unicorn. I have an idea. I get up from the couch "Hey, where are you going?" Jared asks me "I have an idea" I say "I want to join" he says and gets up from the couch too. "Sorry, there is only one more water gun and it's mine" I say and I show it to him. I run to the side of the stage and I hide the gun behind me. He sees me standing there and I wave at him. "Hi, what's up? Are you bored?" he asks in the mic "Yes and I have an idea" I say and he looks at me. I take the gun out and I start throwing water on him. He does too.

*Watch the video 😂*

"Alright you win" he says and throws his gun. "I always win" I say and he chuckles "Yeah, you do" he says in a lower voice. "And now I'm soaked. Thanks (Y/N)" he says "It's just water. And if it wasn't it's not like you are going to wash them" "Well--" "I'm right, again" I say and he lowers his head and laughs. "I'll go sit with Jared and Misha again" I say and I leave.

"Nice" Jared says and we high five. "I hope she or he does it to him too" Misha says and points at my belly "Oh, she or he will" I say.

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