Part 54

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Your POV
I open my eyes and my head is killing me. I sit up and I look around. How the hell did I make it to the house? My phone rings and I feel like it has twenty times more volume than usual. "Hello?" I say holding my head "Hi (Y/N), how are you feeling today?" "Not good. How drunk was I Gen?" "A lot, you were lucky that we left with only my car" "Yeah. I'm gonna hung up now and sleep till tomorrow" I say and she chuckles "Ok, sweet dreams" "Thanks, bye" I say and I fall on the bed again.

As I was falling asleep again a cry brought me back to reality. Jo, mommy loves you but she needs to sleep. I hear Jensen walking to the nursery and probably picks her up. But she doesn't stop. I take a deep breath and I get up. I go to the room "Give her to me" I say "No, I got her" "Jensen, please" I say exhausted. He nods and hands her to me. I start to rock her back to sleep and he leaves the room.

After she slept, I went downstairs. I fall on the couch and I close my eyes. "Still hungovered?" Jensen asks "No, the couch just looked lonely" I say and he chuckles "How is your head feeling?" "Terrible". "Take this" he says and hands me a pill with a cup of water "Thanks" I say and I drink them.

"Are you ok? You don't look good" I say as I get a better look at him "Just tired. Jo didn't want to sleep tonight" "I didn't hear anything" "Then I did a good job" he says and kisses me. "Come on, let's go upstairs" I say and I take his hand.

We lay on our bed and I let him lay his head on my stomach. I rub his back a little and then I start playing with his hair. But Jo cries again. "Stay, I have an idea" I say and I kiss his head. I go to their room and I pick both of them up. I carry them to our room.

"We are going to stay all together because we all need sleep" I say as I place them on our bed "Family nap?" Jensen asks "Yeap" I say as I get under the covers. We place the kids in the middle but our faces are as close as possible.

Jensen and I look down at the babies that are sleeping between us "I love you" Jensen says and makes me look up to him "I love you too" I say and I kiss him. "Thank you for everything" he says and rubs my cheek "I couldn't do anything without you" "Even when I'm drunk and do stupid things?" "Even then" I say and I kiss him.

This new job was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I think as I look at the sleeping babies and Jensen. They are the best thing that ever happened to me.

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