Part 34

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I woke up really early the next morning to prepare. I grab my phone and I dial Jared's number "Hey Jared" "Hey, how are you doing?" "Great. I need a favour" "Hit me" "I need you to keep Jay out of the house until 5 pm" "Why?" "I have something in mind and I can't tell you" "Ok, I'll see what I can do. Text me when you want me to take him" "Thanks" I say and I hung up.

"Good morning" Jensen says as he comes down the stairs "Good morning" I say and I kiss him "Were you talking with someone earlier?" "Yeah, I was talking to... uhm... Jared. I just wanted to talk to Gen and she wasn't picking up" "Oh ok" he says and kisses me.

Jensen was eating breakfast in the kitchen and I was in the living room alone. I take my phone and I text Jared to come by. After a minute, my phone rings. It's Gen. I take my phone and I go upstairs.

"Hi Gen" "Hi, I heard that you want Jensen out of the house today" "Yeah" "Are you planning a surprise?" "Maybe" "Oh my God, he is so not worth of you" "Shut up, he is much more than I am worth it" "Whatever you think. Do you need any help?" "No, you don't have to--" "I'm coming. I'll be there after Jared picks up Jensen" "Ok, thanks" "Anytime" she says and hungs up.

I smile at the thought of the perfect dinner that I have in mind. "Everything ok?" Jensen asks me causing me to jump off my seat "Sorry, I didn't want to scare you" he says "It's fine" I say. He leans to kiss me but the doorbell interrupts us. I run downstairs and I open the door.

"Hey Jared" I say "Come in" I continue. "Thanks. Hey man" he says when he sees Jensen "Hey, what are you doing here this early?" Jensen asks "First of all it's 10 am and secondly I was thinking on taking a day just the two of us. Like the old days" Jared says "Nah, I think that I am going to spend the day with my beautiful wife because we are going to be just the two of us in three days" Jensen says "No, Jay, go. It's fine" I say "Ok, fine. Let's go" he says and they leave. "First step, done" I whisper to myself.

Jensen's POV
It's 5 pm and for some reason Jared doesn't let me go back home yet. It's like he is trying to keep me occupied. "Jared? Why are you trying to keep me away from my house?" I ask him "No, I'm not" he asks "Did (Y/N) asked you too?" I ask him "No" "You're a terrible lier. Was she talking with you this morning?" "Yes" "And what were you talking about?" "About... uhm... She needed to ask me about when we are leaving for filming" he says.

I take a deep breath and I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. I walk past Jared but he grabs me "Where are you going?" he asks me "To meet (Y/N)'s new boyfriend" "What?" "Oh come on, I'm not that stupid. She told me that she called you because Gen wasn't picking up, then she was mysteriously texting and after a minute someone called her and she went upstairs to answer it. And if that's not enough she was laying against the wall and smiling, like she was fantasising something, when I went to see her" I yell at him and I start walking again. I can hear that he calls me but I keep walking.

Your POV
"Ok boys, we are leaving" Gen yells to the boys "So, are you sure everything is ready?" I ask for the 100th time "Yes and you are gorgeous. He is going to lose his mind" she says and I hug her

 He is going to lose his mind" she says and I hug her

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"Thank you, for everything" I say "Anytime" she says.

After I said goodbye to the boys and the three of them left, the only thing that is left is Jensen. And at that moment I hear someone opening the door. "Hi baby" I say and I go to hug him but he pushes me away. "Jay, is everything ok?" I ask him but he doesn't answer. He is looking at the dinner table and the house that is full of candles. "Wow, you are really into that guy" he says but I can't understand what he is talking about.

"Jay, are you drunk?" I ask "No. By the way, really smart plan to make Jared take me out of the house so you can meet your boyfriend" "My what?" "Don't deny it (Y/N)" "No, I will. Because I planned all of this for you. Last night made me realise that I haven't thanked you enough for staying by my side and keep me going. So I thought that it would be a good idea to surprise you and this dinner was just for starters. I was cooking with Gen all day for you. I was trying to put on this tight dress for 20 minutes for you. That's why I wanted you to leave the house. All of this is for you and the only thing you have to say is that I have a boyfriend? After all we've been through, you thought that I could be cheating on you? That's how low you think of me?".

"I--" he starts saying but I interrupt him "No, don't say anything else. You'll probably make it worse" I say and I walk past him "Where are you going?" he asks "Wherever I want" I say and I leave the house.

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