Part 31

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"It's from my dad" I continue. I sit on the couch and Jensen sits next to me. I open the envelope and it has only a paper inside. I take it out and I am trying to understand what exactly is that. The date that was written on the right corner it's two weeks after the day I was born. I start reading the rest of the paper.

"He is--" Jensen starts saying but I cut him "Don't... Don't say that" I say and I get up. "I need to talk to him" I say pissed "Let's go then" he says and takes our jackets.

The plane ride was quiet. I didn't want to talk to anyone and I think Jensen noticed it. My brother picked us up and drived us to my parents house.

Jensen and Tom stayed in the car. I knock the door on and as soon as my mom opened the door, I walked in ignoring her. I search the house but he is not there "Where is he?" I ask my mom "Your dad is not here"

"Mom what is that?" I ask her handing her the paper. "No" she whispers as she reads the paper "What happened back then mom?" "Let's sit and I'll explain everything" she says and I nod.

Jensen's POV
"It's been 20 minutes, shouldn't we go inside and see if everything is ok?" I ask Tom "I think she got this" he says and I nod. I see her walking to the car. "How did it go?" I ask as she gets in the car "He is not home. But mom told me the real story" "Which means?" Tom asks "That the test is real. He is not my dad" she say and rests her head on my shoulders. I wrap my arm around her shoulders. I can't understand if she is happy about it or sad.

"And what is the real story?" Tom asks "Should we go somewhere else to talk about it?" I ask and she nods. "How about we go to my house?" Tom asks "Sure" (Y/N) says.

Your POV
We arrived at Tom's house and we all sat in the living room. "Two years after you, Tom, were born, mom and dad had a fight. They were ready to get divorced until mom find out that she was pregnant with me. She made him believe that the baby was his, but she couldn't lie to him anymore about the fact that she slept with another guy while they were separated. Mom never knew for sure who my real dad was or that he did a DNA test two weeks after I was born" I say and I take a deep breath.

"Did she tell you who is your dad?" Jensen asks "Yeah, Matt Greystone. He was working as an actor at a theatre that time" I say "So, that's why the whole 'we don't like actors' thing. He didn't want to accept that you weren't his" Tom says and I nod. I rest my head on Jensen's shoulder once again and he kisses me. "It's going to be ok" he whispers to me.

Tom takes his laptop. "(Y/N), Matt is dead" he says after a while. "I know, he died two years ago in a car accident" I say and the both look at me "Mom told me" I continue.

"You know, I don't know if I'm happy or sad about the fact that he isn't my real dad" I say "I mean, I shouldn't care about what he thinks but on the other hand, I still can't believe that what I took for granted my whole life, isn't true" I continue. "It's ok, it's normal" Jensen says and I nod.

"And it's ok if you don't want to come to the convention this weekend" he continues "No, I'm coming. I need something good right now and I think that this is going to cheer me up" I say "Ok" he says and smiles at me.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Kim Rhodes" Rob yells in the mic "Brianna Buckmaster and (Y/N) Ackles" he continues and we walk on stage. "Hey guys, I really missed you" I say in the mic and there are screams from the audience. "Shall we take some questions?" Kim asks "Sure" Brianna and I say and sit on our chairs.

We are hallway through our panel and we are taking our fourth question. It was a really good thing that I came. "Hi" a young girl says "Hi" Kim, Brianna and I say at the same time. "Jared and Jensen answered this question in their panel earlier but I wanted to ask you too if had any injuries on set, as actors that aren't on set as much as the boys are?" she asks and I feel my heart break.

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