Part 49

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The following week was one of the hardest weeks of my life. I was trying to be fine in order to take care of Alex and Jo, but I wasn't. I looked at the divorce papers a million times and I read them a million more. I can't believe that this is really happening. Well, I never thought that Jensen would cheat on me, but here we are.

'We need to talk'
This was the only thing I sent to Jensen.

'I'll be home Friday morning'
Was his reply.

Thursday night, I didn't sleep for a second, not that I've slept during the week. There was a knock on the door around 10 am. I open the door and I see Jensen "Sorry, I didn't know if I should use this" he says showing me his keys "Come in" I say and I open the door more for him.

He takes three steps in and he turns around to look at me. He takes a step closer to me and brings his hand to my cheek. "I'm so sorry baby" he says and leans closer. His lips touch softly mines. I try to resist but I gave up almost immediately. He pulls me closer and deepens the kiss.

His hands make their way under my shirt. I push him away breaking the kiss for "No, stop. I didn't bring you here for this" I say as I take a few steps back "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that" he says and I nod.

"Come here" I say and I sit on the couch. He follows me and sits down too. "This is what I need you for" I say as I point at the table. He picks up the papers and reads them. "Really?" he asks and I look at my hands "Phill said that we can make changes later but for now he put the house on me. It's ok if you want it, I can--" "No, you can have the house, I don't care about it right now" "And I think we can discuss about the custody" "That's not what I want to say. Are you sure about it? Are you sure that you really want this?" he asks.

"My signature is already there, so yeah" I say and he nods. He takes the pen from the table and signs them. "I'll send them to Phill today" I say and he nods. I take the papers and he gets up from the couch. "I'll come back the afternoon to take my stuff out" he says and I nod. He walks to the door and stops before he opens it. He takes the keys out of his pocket and takes the house key out "I guess I don't need this anymore" he says and leaves it on the table.

He looks at me again "Goodbye Jensen" I say turning away from him. I was walking up the stairs when I heard the door close. I close my eyes and I let a breath out. I go back down and I call Gen.

"Hi" "Hey Gen. Guess what?" "You and Jensen are back together?" "No" "Then what happened?" "I'm divorced" "I'm coming" she says and hungs up.

And she came after a couple of minutes. "Ok, that was fast" I say "What so you mean by 'divorced'?" she asks and I show her the papers. "Why?" she asks "Gen, I can't trust him anymore. He reassured me that nothing would ever again happen between them and I believed him. From the first moment. I never showed him that I was jealous or hold him back with me because I trusted him. And he threw away everything" I say.

"And it's not fair Gen. It's not fair. We were happy and everything was fine. No hormones, no more stressing out, just us and our beautiful babies. Everything had to get destroyed. And the best thing is that Danneel got pregnant from the first try. Maybe they are a better match" "Hey, stop. You and Jensen was the best match. What happened was just a mistake. I'm trying to reason him, but I'm sure that he is beating himself up too" she says.

"I know" I say "But I can't forgive him this easy" I continue "It's ok. You are gonna take your time and you'll eventually figure out what to do" she says and I nod.

My phone rings. It's Jensen. I take a deep breath and I answer the call "Hello?" "Hello, is this Mrs. Ackles?" a woman's voice say "Yes. Who is this?" "I'm calling to inform you that there is been a car accident"...

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