Part 47

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Friday is finally here and I can't wait to see Jensen again. I haven't seeing him 6 weeks now and I haven't heard his voice for 5. I should be mad at him but I just want to hug him. I missed him so much, I missed his sent, being in his arms and his kiss.

He and Jared are supposed to come after they are done filming. So they should be here by midnight. I should find something good to wear and put some make up on because I'm missing some sleep.

I put some light make up on and I decided to wear a pair of burgundy leather leggings, that make my ass look great, a black lingerie and a pair of black high heels.

I put some light make up on and I decided to wear a pair of burgundy leather leggings, that make my ass look great, a black lingerie and a pair of black high heels

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I sit on the couch and I pure myself some wine. I look at my watch, it's almost midnight. I frown and I take a sip.

I hear the door open and I almost jumped off the couch. I run to him and I hug him. "I missed you" I say. He starts rubbing my back "I missed you too". I pull back and I kiss him. But he doesn't kiss back. "Jay, what's wrong baby?" I ask and he looks at me. A tear escapes his eye and I wipe it off "Baby what's wrong?" I ask but again no answer.

"We should sit down" he barely says and I nod. I sit on the couch and he sits on the other "I pured myself some wine. Do you want some?" I ask "No, thanks" he says and I nod "Jay, what happened?" "Firstly, I'm sorry for not calling and being away all the time. I thought that it would pass but it became worse" "Jay, you are scaring me. What happened? Just tell me" I say and he nods.

"I just want you to know that everything is my fault. You didn't do anything wrong" "Uhm... Ok" "Danneel is pregnant" he says "And what does this have to do with... you" I say as I realised what he just said. I felt everything inside of me break, like I couldn't breathe for a second. "I'm so sorry (Y/N), I was beyond drunk and--" "When?" "(Y/N)--" "WHEN?" "She was on set for the first episode and the 6th day, after filming we went for drinks" he says.

"When she was hired last year, you said that she doesn't mean anything to you. You said that I have nothing to be afraid of. You said that what happened between you two was past" "And it is. She hurted me too much to let her have me again" "And look at you know" "I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that--" he is saying but I interrupt him by slapping him "I, now, see why you two were together" I say and I get up.

"Your kids missed you" I say and I storm the house's door closed. I lay against the door and I let the tears and sobs out. "Jared" I whisper and I rush to his house.

I knock the door many times. Jared opens the door "Woah, (Y/N), what happened?" he asks but I start crying again. He lets me in "Gen" he calls for her "Did you know?" I ask him between my sobs. Gen comes. "Know what?" he asks but I can't answer him because I'm sobbing like crazy. He hugs me and rubs my back "It's ok. Whatever happened, I'm sure you'll get through it" he says.

"Danneel is pregnant" I manage to say. Jared and Gen share a look and then Gen comes closer. "Let's go" she says and rubs my back. I pull away from Jared "Let me help you" he says and picks me up. He lets me down on the bed "I didn't know (Y/N). I swear" he says "I believe you" I say and he nods before he leaves.

The morning, I went downstairs early in the morning and I made breakfast for everyone. "You didn't need to" Gen says "It's fine, I need to do something in order to take my mind off things" "What things Aunt (Y/N)?" Tom asks "Nothing that you need to br worry about" I say trying to sound like everything is fine.

After the boys left for school, I helped Gen with everything that she needed to do for the day (cook, clean etc.). And then I remembered Jensen's parents. I left and I went back home. It was empty. There was a note on the counter

'Took the kids for a walk'

And then the doorbell rings. I open the door and it's Donna and Alan. "Hi" I say and I hug them "(Y/N)? Were you crying?" Donna asks "No, it's nothing come in" say and they do. 'Should I tell them?'

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