Part 14

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"June 2nd?" "Yes" Jensen and I say together "Great. I'll make the calls and arrange that. Now, our next step is the invitations. There are the samples" she says and hands us the book with the samples "And you can come and let me know what you decide and the number of them" she continues. "Thank you" Jensen says and we get up and leave from her office.

In the ride home, I was looking through the samples. "They so many cute ones. But we decided on white and silver with a little bit of pink decoration so I want you to keep me in that plan" I say "Got it" "And we have to figure out how many people are going to be there and give the names and addresses to Tessa. How are we going to be that on time?" "Hey, calm down. Everything will be great. You tell me who you want to be there and I'll deal with the rest, ok?" "I love you" I say and I peck his lips.

"I'm thinking of asking Gen to be the maid of honour" I say "Jared already knows that he is going to be my best man. When are you going for your dress?" "Next weekend with Gen, Brianna and Kim. Kate was supposed to be coming too but she said that she is working. And Brianna and Kim are already talking about the bachelor" "Oh God. Be careful because you remember what happened last time you got drunk" he says and smiles "No, I actually don't" "Come on, you know what I meant" "Yes, I did" I say and I kiss him.

We decided on invitations and Jensen is going to send the details to Tessa. I'm going to try on dresses today and Jensen is away for a convention. He thinks that Brianna, Kim and I won't go to the convention but we are planning on surprising him in his panel at 3pm. We left home at 9am and headed to the store.

We picked up one wedding dress each and I went to try them on. We decided that the one that I chose is the right one. They suggested to me to wear a headband on my head. After trying a couple, we found the one that goes perfectly with the dress. Then it was time for Gen's dress and shoes. She found a grey dress with glitter top that fitted her perfectly and she insisted on me buying a short white dress for the after-party. And as for shoes, we got some silver glitter high heels.
The whole outfit:

"Now that we are done from shopping, let's go see the groom" Kim says and we nod

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"Now that we are done from shopping, let's go see the groom" Kim says and we nod. Except Gen, who wasn't coming because she had the kids with the babysitter for now. We go back to my house, we set our bags and we leave for the airport. It's already 1pm.

We arrived in Kansas city at 2:30pm and by the time we got to the convention center, the boys were already on stage. "Hi girls. I thought you were out for shopping" Misha says "You went for shopping" I say and I hug him "How are you? How is Vic and the kids?" I ask him "Everybody is doing great" he says.

Then Rob and Rich come in. "(Y/N)!" Rob says and runs to hug me "Hi to you too Rob" I say and I chuckle. "Rich let's get her on stage" he says "Does Jensen knows that you are here?" Rich asks me "No" "Then I have an idea. Come with us" he says and they both take me out of the green room.

"Rob is going on stage to distract them, so you will get in by the main door and when they turn to answer a question you are going to walk on stage and you will surprise them" Rich says "Yes" Rob says "Let's do this" I say and we start walking. Rob went backstage and Rich and I went to the main door.

We heard voices and then Rob's. We entered and thank God they weren't look at us. Some of the people saw us but we both waved them to be quiet. "Ok, I'm going back now" Rob says and leaves the stage. Rich and I are next to the stage but because there are no lights there, they can't see us. They finally turn their back and I walk on stage. "Can I join?" I ask in my mic.

The boys turn around and Jensen is laughing. There are screams from the audience "Is that a yes?" I say and walk to the boys. I hug Jared first and then I go to Jensen. "I thought you went for shopping" he says off the mic "We did and while trying on the dresses I couldn't stop thinking about you" I say off the mic too and I peck his lips.

Rich brought me a chair too and I sat between the boys. "Hi, I'm Mike. I have a question for (Y/N)" a little boy says "So, you came here and you take our questions too" Jared says and I chuckle "I'm listening Mike" "Will you marry me?" he says in his cute voice and my heart melts. I walk to him and I hug him. I take the mic "Jensen I'm leaving you" I say. Jensen chuckles and gets up from his chair. He comes to me and picks me up. "No, Jay stop" I say giggling and he carries me back on stage.

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