Part 50

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"I'm calling to inform you that there is been a car accident" "What? When? How is Jensen?" "You better come here first and you'll find out everything. We are at Austin Hospital" "I'll be there as fast as I can" I say and I hung up. "What was that?" Gen asks worried "Jensen... he... he... he had an..." "Calm down and then tell me what happened". I take a few breaths "Jensen had an accident. He is at the hospital but they didn't tell me more" "Go and find out then. I'll be here with the babies" "Thanks" I say and I hug her.

I run out of the house and to my car. In the way to my car, I meet Jared and the kids. "(Y/N)" Jared calls for me "I don't have time Jared. Gen is at my place. Go and she'll exlain everything. I need to go" I say and I get in my car. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital.

I park the car and I run inside. "Hi" I say as sweet as I could to the nurse "I'm here for Jensen Ackles" I continue "Give me a minute" she says and I nod. "He is currently in surgery, his doctor will come as soon as they are done" she says. I sit on the waiting room and a tear escapes my eye.

He is in surgery, which means that he is alive. It's ok, he is alive. This is what I was saying to myself until the doctor would come.

"Are you here for Mr. Ackles?" a doctor asks me "Yes. How is he?" "Come with me" he says and I follow him. "He has a few cuts on his face and body but the worse injury was his bleeding liver. We performed surgery in order to repair it and it was a successful one. But we had some complications during it. His heart went into cardiac arrest and it took us three minutes to get him back. His body should recover just fine but we don't know the brain damage that it costed. If he wakes up, then he should be fine".

"If he wakes up?" I ask "Yes" "Can I see him?" "Of course" he says and shows me his room. "Ask from a nurse to page me if you need me" he says and I nod. I open the door and I walk in the room. I felt like my heart stopped as I saw him. He had a few cuts on his face but it was small ones and he looked so tired and pale. I wipe my tears and I sit on a chair next to his bed. I take his hand and I kiss it. "Hi Jay" I whisper to him and more tears fall "I guess that you have one more thing in common with Dean" I say between the tears and I chuckle "But from everything that you could choose you chose dying and coming back?" I continue and I wipe my tears "And now you are going to wake up whole, like he does, right?" more tears fall "Please, just wake up Jay" I say between my sobs "Please".

I updated Gen and Jared and I went to the waiting room to find Jared who came. "Hey" he says "Hey, come on" I say and he follows me. I lead him to the room and we both sit there with Jensen. "He is going to wake up" Jared says "I hope so" "He will" he says and rubs my back "I'll go back because Gen needs some help to get everybody to sleep" "Ok, thanks for coming" I say and he hugs me "He will be fine" he whispers to me and I nod.

It was midnight by now and I am exhausted. I lay on Jensen's hand, facing him, and I close my eyes.

I wake up, but my eyes are still closed. I feel a warm hand rubbing my cheek which I really enjoyed. That moment everything from yesterday came back. I sit up straight and I see Jensen awake. Tears are streaming down my cheeks "Oh God" I say and I kiss him. I pull back and I start crying. He brings his hand to my cheek and wipes my tears "Hey, I'm here. I'm fine" he says and I nod.

"I love you" I say "I love you too" he says and I hug him. "Thank you for coming back" I whisper to him. I pull away "I'm sorry" I say "You don't have to apologise. I'm the one who needs to" he says and I nod. "I'm gonna call Jared" I say and he nods.

Jared and Gen came with the twins. They left the boys and Odette with their babysitter. While we were talking, I had a strange feeling "I need to go get some air" I say and they all nod. I get out of the room and I lay against the wall. Jared comes out too "(Y/N)? Everything ok?" he asks "Yeah, it's just that I don't know what I want right now" "What do you mean?" "We signed the divorce papers and I was sure that I wanted that but now that this happened... I... I don't know what I want anymore" "You'll figure it out. You might need time but you will" he says and I nod.

I go inside the room again "Can you leave us alone Gen?" I ask "Of course" she says and goes out. "Look, right now I don't know what I want but you are coming home until you're healed" "Are you sure?" "No, but you need help and I'm still your wife" "Ok" he says and smiles.

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