Part 29

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It's been 5 days. His fiver is gone but he is still in bed. I'm exhausted a.f. but I can't just let him like that, despite the fact that I'm thinking of murdering him everytime he opens his mouth to talk. How can he be this afraid? I mean he plays Dean Winchester, how can he be so drama queen over a fiver?

It's 9:30 am. I just found a comfortable position on the couch and I closed my eyes. "(Y/N)!" I hear and I frown. I look up and I see him coming down the stairs. "What?" "I think I'm feeling better" "Good" I say in a lower voice and I close my eyes again "Are you not happy?" he asks but I ignore him "(Y/N)?" "What?" I ask angry "Hey, why are you angry?" "Why am I angry? Five days now you are not doing anything but telling me that you think you are dying and I can't take it anymore. I'm tired" I say and I walk to the door "(Y/N)" "Shut up" I yell "Shut up Jensen, I'm tired of hearing you" I say. I take my jacket and I leave the house.

I take a walk and then I go to Jared and Gen's house which is basically next door. I knock the door and Gen opens it "Hi" I say "Hey, come in" she says and opens the door more. I walk in and we sit on the couch. Jared comes inside too "Hi" "Hi, how is Jay doing?" he asks "Better, he got up from the bed today" "Great, I'm going to go see him and leave you two talk" he says and kisses Gen before he leaves.

"I'm tired Gen. And I was yelling at him earlier because of that" "It's ok. It's ok to get tired or angry, even at the person that you love" "I just needed to rest and he started talking again and I can't hear his voice again right now" "It's ok. Come with me" she says and takes my hand. She leads me to the guest's room "Get some sleep, you need it. Nobody is going to bother you because the boys are in school" "Thank you" I say and I hug her.

She brought me some pajamas and I laid down. I feel asleep almost immediately.

Jensen's POV
"She was here for me every time I called, even if she was tired. She was checking me every hour overnight and made sure I was comfortable and dry. And I was a jerk to her man" I say "Yes, you were. You fucked up. And now you need to find a way to make up for it" Jared says and I nod.

It's 11:30 am and (Y/N) hasn't came back yet. "How about I come with you to pick her up? She needs to get her shot at 12" I say to Jared who was still with me "Yeah, sure".

I went to Jared's house and Gen showed me where (Y/N) was. I kneel next to her and I softly rub her cheek. "We need to go home baby. It's 11:35 and I'm sure that you don't want to miss your shot" I say and she immediately gets up. "Yeah, I don't" she says and yawns.

"Let's go home" he says and I nod. He helped me change my clothes "Do you want me to carry you?" "No, I'm going to walk" she says "But thanks" she continues and I smile.

I helped her get to our bed, that she hasn't laid on in five days. I brought her the pen-shot and she lifted her t-shirt up. "Wanna do the honours?" she asks me and I nod. I clean the area in her belly with some alcohol and I pressed the pen. "Now, go to sleep" I say and I kiss her forehead "Until I throw up again" she says and I chuckle.

"I'm sorry of the way I treated you while I was just sick, I guess" I say but I'm pretty sure that she is already asleep.

Your POV
He probably thinks that I didn't hear it but I did. I actually smiled but he didn't notice, I guess.

I woke up and I immediately run in the bathroom. After I was done, I walked downstairs to get a glass of water, but I wasn't expecting to see Jensen preparing a romantic dinner. There was rose petals all over the floor and candles on the table that was prepared for a fancy dinner. "Like what you see?" Jensen asks "Yes, I do" "I wanted to do something to show you how thankful I am because I have you" he says as he walks closer to me.

"I love you. Even when you are talking all the time" I say and he chuckles "I love you too" he says and kisses my cheek "I'm still sick. But I think I'm going to risk it" he says and finally kisses my lips. "Are you hungry?" "Yes" "Let's eat then" he says and leads me to my seat.

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